A markdown editor for developers on Mac, Windows and Linux.
USD raised
Recent activities
Browser extension(s) to save web pages to Boostnote
Evernote integration
Sync using git repository
Multiple notes selection
Introduce history function
Github gist
CLI or API for creating notes or use existed (view, copy, open, delete)
Strage creates error when user make note written in specific character
Encryption of (synced) storages
Add collapsible code blocks
Add optional sync
Export and import preferences
Add OneDrive support
Store notes as .md files instead of .cson files
Task Tracking / Project Management
Replace markdown processor
Suggestion: Preview and editor in one via HyperMD
Allow printing of more than one note at a time
Add subfolders
code auto complete
Rearrange layout of columns
option to open linked notes in a pop up window
Snippet-type notes fail to save / load correctly
Folding support for headers in preview window
Windows installation slow without progress notice
Export as PDF code block display bug
Jumps to top of page when clicking on an image or on next arrow in image gallery
Mouse click to create markdown notes is not idempotent
The content can not displayed correctly for Chinese character when dragging existing files to Boostnote
Add a dynamic floating Table of Contents next to the note
Feature: Add "Share to" button
WikiWord can make great links between documents (like Zim-Wiki)
Long code lines do not wrap in PDF exports
Hierarchy in tags (like `#tag_h1#tag_h2#tag_h3`)
Flatpak app
Feature: release portable version for windows
`<` will be rendered as `<`
Please add more than one cursor position for snippets templates
Open note link from other apps
[bug] KaTeX parse error: $ within math mode
[bug] flickering screen on fullscreen mode
Text surrounded by asterisks in inline code blocks is wrongly highlighted
Disappearing Cursor
Missing Note Preview When Building From Source
On-purpose incorrect numbering gets overridden with correct numbering
Print to PDF - Linked text not preserved
Customize All Keyboard Shortcuts
svg images are converted to png automaticly in 0.11.13
Toggle mode is not working correctly
Paste the content that caused the boostnote to jam
Preview mode not encoded properly
No tray icon on Ubuntu 16.04
Add monitoring of notes for external changes, to allow for syncing and shared editing
Support navigation buttons (back and forward)
Inconsistent editor color in definition list
Feature request: Keyboard shortcuts for font styles
[BUG] PHP unexpected commented block code due to open tag
Change order of storage locations
is there a shortcut to move the cursor at the end of smart quotes
cannot search by Chinese
Open note on new window
[Feature request] Collapsable code snippets
Printing snippet notes
Can't scroll to bottom of editor pane
Please add folding to preview mode
The output HTML has no codeblock color
[feature request] Export to a multitude of formats (including .docx/.tex) by integrating pandoc
Ctrl-R reloads Boostnote on vim mode
The program automatically exits
Importing markdown with images
Some essential functions don't have keyboard shortcut.
[bug] Fenced HTML codeblock reformatting attributes broken out over multiple lines.
Sort checkboxes
Snippet cursor placement
Import note as snippet note
Application window bigger after every restart
Edit&View at the same page
emoji isn't colorful in ubuntu 16.04
Support initialization script
Re-arrange items of a checkbox list with drag-an-drop
White diagonal lines on the note preview panel in version 0.11.8
Toggle view mode resets cursor location in note
Katex highlighting and error display
Option to rename tags
KaTeX Macro Support
HTML Table does not render if there's blank line inside markup
latex macros [feature request]
Scrolling not sync between Editor and Preview
PlantUML text colors unreadable on dark backgrounds
List Boostnote In Ubuntu Software Center
Compact Size Between Storage
Export as pdf only prints first page, subsequent pages are empty
Inconsistent autoscroll (jumps) in preview mode
Search bar functionality
How about WYSIWYG Editor
Journal Mode
Improve update procedure
Allow selection of install location/directory
Ā© 2019 BoostIO, Inc.