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List Boostnote In Ubuntu Software Center #2164

infosisio posted onGitHub

The Ubuntu Software Center started also listing Snap applications in 18.04 and the selection it has is really massive now so a lot of people are using it and are happy with it.

It would be a good popularity boost for boostnote to be listed there !

I really want to do but, I don't have time to do it...

If you(or someone who see this comment) can afford to do, please join our slack and call me!

posted by Rokt33r over 6 years ago

@Rokt33r I'm interested in this issue. I don't have this experience, but probably I can manage to do and maintenance this. If @infosisio doesn't interested, I will take care of this. Anyway I will call you in slack.

posted by yosmoc over 6 years ago

@yosmoc Feel free to take care of it !

posted by infosisio over 6 years ago

@infosisio Thanks!

posted by yosmoc over 6 years ago

@yosmoc Sounds good. let me know if you need anything I should grant or make some account. I'll do it as soon as possible.

posted by Rokt33r over 6 years ago

Hi @Rokt33r ,

build environment

There are several snap builder environment [Builders - Snaps are universal Linux packages].( I recommend to use docker or lxd container. Since, build environment should be immutable, and it can easily reproduce the build environment in every machine.

I guess we currently use real or virtual linux machine for building .rpm, .deb package, but if we pack .rpm .deb build environment in snapcraft docker image, we can create the immutable build environment for all for linux. Of course, we need to install docker for building linux package, but we can build it in all Mac/Windows/Linux terminal.


We already have snapcraft.yaml in the repository, but it seems it wasn't completed. I will investigate and fix the problem.

Snapcraft account

I guess we don't have snapcraft account for this project. Would you please create the snapcraft account? You can create the account in here.

posted by yosmoc over 6 years ago

@yosmoc Absolutely. I'll figure out if I could invite you as a manager after I signing up Snap.

posted by Rokt33r over 6 years ago

Hello! I work on the snapcraft team at canonical. I'd like to help get you over the line, to get boostnote in the snap store, and easily installable on Linux. As you already have a snapcraft.yaml, once you have a snap, it should be possible for one or more of the team to upload. The snap store has a concept of 'collaborators' in the dashboard, so you can spread the upload activity around the team to trusted individuals.

Aside, it might be worth nothing that electron-builder has native support for building snaps. So if it's easier you may want to remove the snapcraft.yaml from the repo, and instead use electron-builder. I wrote a brief blog post highlighting this as an option.

Do let me know how I can help!

posted by popey over 6 years ago

@popey Awesome! I'll try it on this weekend!

posted by Rokt33r over 6 years ago

@kazup01 funded this issue with $10. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@Rokt33r Heya! How did you get on? Anything I can help with? :)

posted by popey over 6 years ago

@popey Ah.. sorry. I forgot it. I'll try this weekend!! Thanks for reminding!

posted by Rokt33r over 6 years ago

@popey Seems we need to use electron-builder but we don't use it. I'll try this later.

posted by Rokt33r over 6 years ago

@jchalifour has funded $2.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot about 6 years ago

@jchalifour has cancelled funding for this issue.(Cancelled amount: $2.00) See it on IssueHunt

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 5 years ago

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