
Print to PDF - Linked text not preserved #2372

skrodal posted onGitHub

Current behavior

Linking text in MD, e.g. [click here](, renders fine in Boostnote, however when printing the document to PDF the link is not preserved (i.e. "click here" is no longer a clickable link).

Expected behavior

When exporting to PDF, linked text should be preserved.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new note and paste "[Click here]( to search with Google"
  2. File->Print, select Adobe PDF, and click Print (save to drive)
  3. Open the saved PDF and observe that there is no linked text in the output


  • Version : Boostnote 0.11.9
  • OS Version and name : Windows 10
  • Adobe Version: Adobe Acrobat Pro 2018.011.20058

Suggested solution

A dedicated export to PDF feature (rather than printing), or otherwise find a way somehow to fix it with the current printing approach.

At the moment, in order to share any notes with links I will need to rewrite any part referencing links. This is counter intuitive, since I make use of the great built-in feature that automatically brings in the web page title when pasting links.

Thank you for reporting!

posted by ZeroX-DG over 6 years ago

It looks like it's possible to hook into Chromium's built-in print-to-pdf capabilities via WebContents.printToPDF, which should preserve the links. I wasn't able to figure out how to get a WebContents instance from this.refs.root.contentWindow though.

posted by nagledb over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $30. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

looks the issue has been resoved in v0.12. Linking text works as expected.

posted by amedora over 5 years ago

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boostio funded 30.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 2372
over 6 years ago