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Introduce history function #1431

tatoosh posted onGitHub

It would be nice to go back to older versions of notes in boostnote, like evernote can do.

nobody else need this?

posted by tatoosh almost 7 years ago

What do you mean by 'save all changes'? Changes are automatically saved.

posted by Redsandro almost 7 years ago

I mean to save a historyoft all changes like Version control vor a timeline.

posted by tatoosh almost 7 years ago

@sandeepjoel has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@sandeepjoel has stopped working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@kazup01 cancelled funding, $100, of this issue. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $70. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

+1 for this. Due to auto-saving, I sometimes end up accidentally modifying my note I didn't even know after couple days before I found out.

Definitely a plus if I can revert back to the history for individual note.

posted by awsp about 6 years ago

Just lost a very important note irrecoverably (undo is not working) due to the auto-saving. 😢 😭 Please someone create a version history.

posted by neha-sri over 5 years ago

@neha-sri Have you looked in the Trash/deleted notes in Boostnote? It might still be there :crossed_fingers:

You can sync your Boostnote storage directory using a sync/cloud service like Google Drive or MEGA. Some of these services have their own built in versioning of files uploaded and edited. That way you can still recover older versions of notes through those services.

I agree that it isn't an ideal setup, but it should be sufficient until Boostnote has its own history feature.

posted by Flexo013 over 5 years ago

This would be an excellent feature watching the edit history of a note allows me to find when i edited them and has a horde of advantages.I have used this feature in simple notes and I just wish this was added in Boostnotes

posted by Arvindprksh over 5 years ago

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boostio funded 70.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1431
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