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Sync using git repository #1085

NamedKitten posted onGitHub

I wish there was a feature that could sync folders with git and store the markdown files in a git repo.

Yeah, it would be great to be able to use git automatically to sync the files. I do it manually, but that way we could use it on the phone as well

posted by danvilar over 7 years ago

IntelliJ has a feature to sync settings automatically+exiting. It's basically pulling and committing/pushing to git repo.

Hope Boostnote has that too!

posted by Kimi-Arthur over 7 years ago

I'm currently doing it like that

posted by jadolg over 7 years ago

It would be great (🥇) if this could be done directly from the phone applications with SSH keys

posted by wzzx over 7 years ago

Lost all my notes using dropbox sync after a a better sync options feels important and I believe we are all friends with git :)

posted by sfjohansson about 7 years ago

This could probably be implemented by making a save and commit button which has a pop up dialog where you can title and give a description to the commit. This way it can autosave localy and whenever you feel like you should commit it, you would just need to press the button. The git part of this could be implemented by using personal access tokens to authorize boostnote to commit to git. The storage folders could each have a settings menu to connect a folder up to git. You could probably also have a way to configure auto export as HTML/PDF/Markdown whenever a document is commmitted.

Just a idea for a implementation of this feature. Wish it could be implemented.

posted by NamedKitten almost 7 years ago

I'm very excited about this feature; if you give me a code start, I can try implementing this :)

posted by ergunsh almost 7 years ago

+1 for this feature. I also employ wiki.js which stores markdown in a Github or Gogs repro as *.md files and maps them via MongoDB. Mention this as it maybe an interesting integration.

posted by sensiblemedia almost 7 years ago

This feature would be really nice but unfortuantly I have no idea how to do it...

posted by NamedKitten almost 7 years ago

What is the current status of this issue? I'd love to have this feature, or even work on it myself

posted by hulloanson almost 7 years ago


It would be great!

posted by victor-freire over 6 years ago

Maybe an alternative way to do this is by "boost hooks", command line calls that's gets executed when you save, change notes, close app. They could be git commands or anything else you might want to do.

posted by sfjohansson over 6 years ago

Zim has a Version Control plugin that does something similar. You basically make your storage location a git repository. The plugin has two options you can set:

  • Autosave when a notebook is closed (a "notebook" is where Zim stores notes -- basically a folder). Although I've noticed it seems to only make a commit when opening Zim and detecting changes -- not on close.
  • Autosave every "x" minutes where "x" is configurable.

Both of these options do an add/commit to the local git repository. In addiiton, you can manually initiate an add/commit via a UI option. There is currently no automatic push/pull option in the Zim version.

It's a nice way to get versioning of your notes. I use it to keep my "home" and "work" installations of Zim on separate branches. I usually don't edit the same notes at home and work, but if I do, I can simply merge the two together pretty easily via git since Zim, like Boostnote, saves notes as plain text files.

posted by patrick-steele over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $100. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@sfjohansson has funded $5.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot about 6 years ago

I'm working on this :)

posted by chrisstpierre over 5 years ago

I'm working on this :)

Amazing to see that this is happening, how is it going? :)

posted by sfjohansson over 5 years ago

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chrisstpierre submitted an output to  BoostIO/ Boostnote# 1085
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sfjohansson funded 5.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1085
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