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Browser extension(s) to save web pages to Boostnote #1356

thejasonparker posted onGitHub

Browser extension(s) which offer two options...

  1. Convert the current web page, including images, to markdown and save to Boostnote
  2. Take a screenshot of the current web page (area, window, full page) and save this and the URL to Boostnote

It would also be great to be able to copy the selected text/image/code snippet directly to a new note in Boostnote. When selecting a code snippet, it would be nice that Boostnote creates a new snippet instead of a markdown note.

posted by mslourens about 7 years ago

Hey, it's not quite exactly what you wan't but I've currently put in a pull request (#1981), that fixes issue #923 It's not a browser extension, but allows creating a new note by importing from url (converts the html to markdown). So if that gets approved that might help out a little bit? Depending on the time I have spare, I'll take a look and see what I can do in terms of making a browser extension. :)

posted by StormBurpee almost 7 years ago

@charrismatic has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

I've been working on a chrome extension that dos this for a while. The user interface isn't fully built out but its my absolute favorite way to save articles. Right now its browser focused but there might be a home for it in Boostnote.

posted by charrismatic over 6 years ago

@charrismatic Is there any updates on that?

posted by evgimov over 6 years ago

Actually I've made quite a bit of progress. When I started I was trying to implement about 5 different features all at once and it was too complex. Ive broke out the more important parts and have those working in other projects now.

Once I get a free day I'll see if I can port those working parts of over to a demo. I'm currently relying on chrome snippets to do the same thing which is fine but it could be so much nicer.

posted by charrismatic over 6 years ago

This is the only thing keeping me having to go back to Bear to grab webpages. Would love this!

posted by colineberly over 6 years ago

+999 . If this complete, I would be very happy throw evernote into trashcan .

posted by eromoe over 6 years ago

Hi. This is something I was expecting to use, since my day 1 using Boostnote. It's a great feature, but perhaps a less complex feature could be achieved more quickly. I was thinking in a feature that I use daily with Wunderlist, saving pages as task item, where:

  • subject = {page title}
  • note = {meta description} {page url}

boostnote - wunderlist extension

boostnote - wunderlist extension saved

In this example, it could save as a markdown note:

[Feature - Browser extension(s) to save web pages to Boostnote](

> Browser extension(s) which offer two options... Convert the current web page, including images, to markdown and save to Boostnote Take a screenshot of the current web page (area, window, full page) and save this and the URL to Boostnote


posted by fabulastico over 6 years ago


I can post an update here of the tool I've been working on.

The project started as an unrelated side Chrome devtools project data exteraction tookbox. The main html-to-markdown utility is very portable though, I'm using the exact same module in mandown a linux manpage to markdown exporter (also something i made to put into boostnote notes) and a cli tool that get a url and converts to markdown (very cool to use in a loop with grep/sed)

The function works pretty well already as a chrome snippet, I've been using it this way for a while now. The process is a little clunky but it works, the UW will be better much as an actual extension.

The only thing keeping me from plugging that code into the extension and throwing it up on github is that it relies on chrome devtools inspector and to select the page dom content. So moving the functionality out of chrome devtools requires some additional custom tools to select and filter dom content. to work.

(I've found some potential libraries but it wasn't a quick and easy conversion);

I plan to keep working on this though, the chrome javascript snippet alone has been incredibly useful.

Very rough gif of the concept.

peek 2018-11-17 22-33

(The devtools interface is meant to be an editor to stage your content before export, also save templates and filters)

It also accepts javascript html dom nodes, which means you can throw really simple queries at the function and very quickly get nicely formatted output.

for example: $0, $$('.items'), $('.page .content')

There is also a feature to create templates with a simple list of page selectors, which is a nice way get really clean organized looking excerpts out of somewhere complicated pages.

For example I had built in some pre-selected elements that could be appended to the content with a dropbox checkbox in the panel

var common_selectors = {
      main: 'main',
      article: 'article',
      content: { 
           github_readme: 'article.entry-content',
           google_developers: ".devsite-article-body",
           wordpress_codex: '#bodyContent',
           tutsplus: 'main.content',
      title: 'h1',
      table_of_contents: '',
      ignoreTags: '.sidebar,sidebar',
      post_references: '#post-content p a',
      link: 'a',
      targeted: '.content-inner',
      custom: '#links',
posted by charrismatic over 6 years ago

@charrismatic There is a general solution for title and content selector: .

I used a similar python lib which works for most of news sites, though it usually select wrong content node . This is also the most big problem in Evernote clip extension . (I think evernote is using similar lib too)

I think could split work into 3 steps:

  1. Use readability first .
  2. Let user select title and content node manually.
  3. User can upload the title and content selectors to cloud , auto merging the selectors as default selectors which user can subscribe, something like adblock . ( Further work )

Just a little suggestions. :)

posted by eromoe over 6 years ago

@kazup01 has cancelled funding for this issue.(Cancelled amount: $100.00) See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@issuehuntfest has funded $100.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@y-matsuwitter has funded $50.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

Any update ?

posted by PicchiKevin about 6 years ago

@issuehunt has funded $5.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 6 years ago

I can pick it up if anyone else is not working on it at the moment.

posted by tocttou over 5 years ago

I can pick it up if anyone else is not working on it at the moment. Can someone please assign me?

posted by benkoska over 5 years ago

Sure! You have been assigned.

Note that we don't use assignment of issues often in this repo. Simply stating that you are working on it is sufficient.

For other developers that might want to implement this feature (and claim the bounty) the assignment is in not a 'dibs' on this issue. It is merely to show that someone is working on it.

posted by Flexo013 over 5 years ago

hello is this done already or is somebody working on it?

posted by spiritbro1 over 4 years ago

@benkoska was assigned to this, but I guess they weren't able to get this feature finished.

@spiritbro1 So this issue is up for grabs by anyone!

posted by Flexo013 over 4 years ago

ok thanks i will try to do it now

On Tue, Dec 1, 2020, 12:02 AM Flexo013 wrote:

@benkoska was assigned to this, but I guess they weren't able to get this feature finished.

@spiritbro1 So this issue is up for grabs by anyone!

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posted by spiritbro1 over 4 years ago

Is this still funded? It looks like it is, but it says "Boostnote-Legacy", and no activity in a while... @Flexo013

posted by pabrams over 3 years ago


Probably is, the funding should not be removed, only when someone fixes the issue and collects it.

posted by Komediruzecki over 3 years ago

Hey! @colineberly @thejasonparker @Komediruzecki Can I take up this issue? Is it still funded on issuehunt? Thanks!

posted by mighty-phoenix almost 3 years ago

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issuehunt funded 5.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1356
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