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Task Tracking / Project Management #1607

MichaelJendryke posted onGitHub

Would it be possible to get a Task Tracking or Project Management feature in Boostnote? I know it sounds a bit far away from a pure 'note taking' app, but I think the fundamentals are there already. A simple Kanban board would be a start where one can drag notes into columns "To Do", "Doing", and "Done" would be nice. Creating custom columns would be a plus. Thanks!

Willing to back BoostIO (again) :-)

Kind of a Kaban style, I'm guessing?

posted by ItsPugle about 7 years ago

Right. Here is a wiki link and this is a picture

posted by MichaelJendryke about 7 years ago

@kazup01 has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 7 years ago

@kazup01 has stopped working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 7 years ago

I think a basic behaviour can be achieved by

  • Adding tags to the notes
  • Go to "board" view
  • Select the tags to be displayed
  • Every tag could list the related notes in columns
  • Moving the note from one column to another could delete the "origin" tag and add the "target" tag, thus the note would be listed under the "target"
posted by bimlas almost 7 years ago

@kazup01 cancelled funding, $60, of this issue. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $60. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@empeje has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

I think a basic behaviour can be achieved by

  • Adding tags to the notes
  • Go to "board" view
  • Select the tags to be displayed
  • Every tag could list the related notes in columns
  • Moving the note from one column to another could delete the "origin" tag and add the "target" tag, thus the note would be listed under the "target"

Do you think the above requirements is enough @MichaelJendryke? I'll start working on this.

posted by empeje over 6 years ago

I think a basic behaviour can be achieved by

  • Adding tags to the notes
  • Go to "board" view
  • Select the tags to be displayed
  • Every tag could list the related notes in columns
  • Moving the note from one column to another could delete the "origin" tag and add the "target" tag, thus the note would be listed under the "target"

Do you think the above requirements is enough @MichaelJendryke? I'll start working on this.

I think the "board" view should essentially be a column view of various notes that have tags (e.g. 'backlog', 'in progress', 'done', and 'project name') that the users can set by themselves. The board view needs a filter to pick one tag that is common to a set of notes such as 'project name'; of course, this could also be blank so all tasks of all projects are visible. Under that should be a definable number of columns with filters to set e.g. 'backlog' and so on.

I like the idea reassigning tags when moving a note from column to column.

posted by MichaelJendryke over 6 years ago

@MichaelJendryke I'll try to do something, I'll create PR in the upcoming days.

posted by empeje over 6 years ago

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boostio funded 60.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1607
over 6 years ago
kazup01 cancelled funding 60.00 for  BoostIo/ Boostnote#1607
over 6 years ago