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Add OneDrive support #1434

SZooo posted onGitHub

I hope you can add other SkyDrive

I'm a happy Boostnote user. In my corporate environment (Windows + iPhone) Dropbox is not allowed, but OneDrive is. With OneDrive integration on mobile devices (iOS and Android) it would be much easier to convince colleagues to give it a try.

posted by hollstein almost 7 years ago

I am able to sync my notes in OneDrive folder. It works the same as Google Drive or dropbox.

<img width="1788" alt="capture d ecran 2018-08-27 a 11 21 46" src="">

<img width="1074" alt="capture d ecran 2018-08-27 a 11 22 36" src="">

Here is what I have done :

  • install OneDrive for OSX
  • create a new storage in Preferences > Storage > Add storage location
  • select OneDrive folder as Storage Location
posted by mikaoelitiana over 6 years ago

This works nice on PC, but won't work on iOS or Android I'm afraid.

posted by hollstein over 6 years ago

Oh sorry, I didn't check on mobile. The issue should be updated to mention this is on mobile.

posted by mikaoelitiana over 6 years ago

@kazup01 cancelled funding, $60, of this issue. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $60. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

This feature is already supported. Unless there's something else to this task, I think this can be closed.

posted by jsmwoolf over 4 years ago

You can indeed already use OneDrive (or other cloud services) with the local files.

This ticket is mostly about adding in OneDrive support natively. Although maybe this is no longer needed.

posted by Flexo013 over 4 years ago

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boostio funded 60.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1434
over 6 years ago
kazup01 cancelled funding 60.00 for  BoostIo/ Boostnote#1434
over 6 years ago