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WikiWord can make great links between documents (like Zim-Wiki) #1253

paul-hammant posted onGitHub

CamelCase words should be eligible for links to new (or existing) pages. Click on em and a page is page, just like in wikis.

I have requested this a few times on here. It is a great idea!

posted by jasondavis over 7 years ago

It is (or was) super smooth in Zim. Zim doesn't launch for me now - some clash between something in Python and something in GTK unfortunately.

posted by paul-hammant over 7 years ago

@kazup01 cancelled funding, $30, of this issue. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $30. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@daniilborovkov has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

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boostio funded 30.00 for BoostIo/Boostnote# 1253
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kazup01 cancelled funding 30.00 for  BoostIo/ Boostnote#1253
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