A static website generator for building blazing fast websites with Vue.js
USD raised
Recent activities
Wrong Link in the page:
i18n and translations using only one file per page
Build requires PostCSS @ 8 support
How to add meta inside a md file
No effect after setting metaInfo
Can I inject posts into a Vue component (not layout)?
Add --no-inline build flag (for CSP compatibility)
sass-loader v8+ compatibility
Saber 0.11.5 'saber-config.yml' performed different from 'saber-config.js' in <saber-link> path.
Provide tags and categories by default?
ESLint and Vetur integration
Saber v1 roadmap
Support multiple page types for query-posts plugin
saber-plugin-query-posts: Pagination 'next' and 'prev' links seems to be incorrect
Weekly Digest (31 October, 2019 - 7 November, 2019)
Use a centralised data store
Rephrase the Comparisons section in docs
saber-plugin-feed: remove invalid character for XML feed
List plugins on the website
saber-plugin-image: transform `<img>` instead
Implement code highlighting using webpack loader
Disable Markdown rendering in Vue-in-Markdown elements
Global components
saber theme unit test
Nuxt-like asyncData
Show a notifier when it's required to restart server
Allow plugin to modify siteConfig and themeConfig
Index.vue Page does not have hot-reload
Expose the markdown parser
Template feature: replace tags with Vue components
A plugin that uses shiki to highlight code blocks
Support asynchronous transformers
Introducing `appConfig` and `pageConfig`
Use autodll-webpack-plugin to boost the speed of rebuilding in development
Add Saber to CodeSandbox
Website: Setup dark mode
saber-link doesn't close when code is inside
webpack build gets stuck when using certain markdown syntax
Why & how did you choose Saber?
Lazy Load Pagination
Creating a docker image for Saber
chore: Move Saber to an organization
saber 0.4.8 doesn't load plugins' options
bug: HierarchyRequestError
Minimal Blog Concept theme for Saber
Automatically publish a release per commit
Feedback for --lazy mode
How can I customize the builtin markdown anchor plugin
Support toc in markdown page
New docs
© 2019 BoostIO, Inc.