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Introducing `appConfig` and `pageConfig` #445

egoist posted onGitHub

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What problem does this feature solve?

You can use siteConfig and themeConfig in saber-config.js to configure your app and those configurations are available as simple JSON data at both compile time (like saber-node.js and plugins) and runtime (app code like saber-browser.js or a component).

But what if you want to .. use something like a Vue component in the config? like:

// saber-config.js
module.exports = {
  siteConfig: {
    logo: require('./Logo.vue')

This doesn't work because we can't require a Vue component in Node.js process.

What does the proposed API look like?

I'm thinking about a siteConfig equivalent :appConfig but for runtime only. you can use it like this in your app code, like saber-browser.js:

import appConfig from 'saber/app-config'
import Logo from './Logo.vue'

appConfig.set('logo', Logo)
// appConfig.get('logo')

For page-level config, you can use pageConfig instead:

export default {
  pageConfig: object,
  pageConfig: (this: Vue) => object

It's kinda similar to how page transition works.

This feature might be unnecessary if using a Vue component in the config is not common or it doesn't have other use cases.

Maybe it can be used with an openingAnimation component when you visite the app from the URL bar

posted by MarchWorks over 5 years ago

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