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Allow plugin to modify siteConfig and themeConfig #508

egoist posted onGitHub

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Feature request

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What problem does this feature solve?

Plugins should be able to set default value for siteConfig, and probably themeConfig.

e.g. You create a plugin to fetch siteConfig from headless CMS, but you also want the user to be able to override siteConfig via saber-config.yml.

What does the proposed API look like?

A plugin: = 'my-plugin-name'

exports.apply = api => {
  api.hooks.getSaberConfig.tapPromise('my-plugin-name', async config => {
    config.siteConfig = merge(await getSiteConfigFromApi(), config.siteConfig)
    return config

How should this be implemented in your opinion?

Call the getSaberConfig hook before calling afterPlugins hook:

And call it again when config file is modified:

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