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Weekly Digest (31 October, 2019 - 7 November, 2019) #558

weekly-digest[bot] posted onGitHub

Here's the Weekly Digest for saberland/saber:


Last week 17 issues were created. Of these, 5 issues have been closed and 12 issues are still open.


:green_heart: #555 Setting default document title and meta description, by egoist :green_heart: #554 build(deps): bump webpack from 4.41.0 to 4.41.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #553 Use a centralised data store, by egoist :green_heart: #552 build(deps): bump jimp from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #551 build(deps): bump eslint-config-prettier from 6.3.0 to 6.5.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #549 build(deps): bump execa from 2.0.4 to 3.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #548 build(deps): bump @babel/runtime from 7.6.2 to 7.6.3, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #547 build(deps-dev): bump typescript from 3.8.0-dev.20191031 to 3.8.0-dev.20191102, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #546 build(deps): bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.6.0 to 7.6.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :green_heart: #545 fix(query-posts): execute in afterPlugins hook, by egoist :green_heart: #542 feat: add support for typescript pages and components, by egoist :green_heart: #539 Rephrase the Comparisons section in docs, by egoist


:heart: #550 build(deps): bump url-loader from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #544 fix: remove comma when there're no pages, by egoist :heart: #543 Tutorial: Get an error before creating a first page, by AlexisJC :heart: #541 build(deps-dev): bump @types/webpack from 4.39.1 to 4.39.8, by dependabot-preview[bot] :heart: #540 build(deps-dev): bump conf from 6.0.1 to 6.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]


:speaker: #555 Setting default document title and meta description, by egoist It received 4 comments.


Last week, 23 pull requests were created, updated or merged.


Last week, 12 pull requests were updated. :yellow_heart: #554 build(deps): bump webpack from 4.41.0 to 4.41.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #552 build(deps): bump jimp from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #551 build(deps): bump eslint-config-prettier from 6.3.0 to 6.5.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #549 build(deps): bump execa from 2.0.4 to 3.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #548 build(deps): bump @babel/runtime from 7.6.2 to 7.6.3, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #547 build(deps-dev): bump typescript from 3.8.0-dev.20191031 to 3.8.0-dev.20191102, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #546 build(deps): bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.6.0 to 7.6.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #545 fix(query-posts): execute in afterPlugins hook, by egoist :yellow_heart: #542 feat: add support for typescript pages and components, by egoist :yellow_heart: #538 fix: remove invalid character for XML feed; fix #537, by geekplux :yellow_heart: #507 build(deps-dev): bump lint-staged from 8.1.6 to 9.4.2, by dependabot-preview[bot] :yellow_heart: #359 build(deps): bump css-loader from 2.1.0 to 3.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot]


Last week, 11 pull requests were merged. :purple_heart: #550 build(deps): bump url-loader from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #544 fix: remove comma when there're no pages, by egoist :purple_heart: #541 build(deps-dev): bump @types/webpack from 4.39.1 to 4.39.8, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #540 build(deps-dev): bump conf from 6.0.1 to 6.2.0, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #536 refactor: rewrite core in typescript, by egoist :purple_heart: #534 build(deps-dev): bump lerna from 3.16.4 to 3.18.3, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #530 Update docs to reference saberland/saber repo, by andreasvirkus :purple_heart: #526 build(deps-dev): bump husky from 3.0.5 to 3.0.9, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #524 build(deps): bump @babel/core from 7.6.0 to 7.6.4, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #500 build(deps-dev): bump is-absolute-url from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3, by dependabot-preview[bot] :purple_heart: #451 build: move CI to GitHub actions, by egoist


Last week there were 20 commits. :hammer_and_wrench: [build(deps): bump url-loader from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (#550) Bumps url-loader from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.


Last week there were 3 contributors. :bust_in_silhouette: dependabot-preview[bot] :bust_in_silhouette: egoist :bust_in_silhouette: andreasvirkus


Last week there were 8 stagazers. :star: hing :star: gbailey4 :star: alex000 :star: azdanov :star: AlexisJC :star: soysauces :star: GoulvenC :star: arcosx You all are the stars! :star2:


Last week there were 18 releases. :rocket: saber@0.11.2 saber@0.11.2 :rocket: saber@0.11.1 saber@0.11.1 :rocket: saber-plugin-transformer-html@0.1.3 saber-plugin-transformer-html@0.1.3 :rocket: saber-plugin-pwa@0.4.4 saber-plugin-pwa@0.4.4 :rocket: saber-markdown@0.1.6 saber-markdown@0.1.6 :rocket: saber-plugin-transformer-pug@0.1.3 saber-plugin-transformer-pug@0.1.3 :rocket: saber-utils@0.2.4 saber-utils@0.2.4 :rocket: saber-plugin-code-copy@0.3.1 saber-plugin-code-copy@0.3.1 :rocket: saber-plugin-netlify-redirect@0.1.2 saber-plugin-netlify-redirect@0.1.2 :rocket: saber-plugin-prismjs@0.2.4 saber-plugin-prismjs@0.2.4 :rocket: saber-highlighter-prism@0.3.4 saber-highlighter-prism@0.3.4 :rocket: saber-log@0.3.1 saber-log@0.3.1 :rocket: saber@0.11.0 saber@0.11.0 :rocket: saber-plugin-search@1.0.0 saber-plugin-search@1.0.0 :rocket: saber-plugin-feed@0.4.3 saber-plugin-feed@0.4.3 :rocket: saber-plugin-git-modification-time@0.1.2 saber-plugin-git-modification-time@0.1.2 :rocket: saber-plugin-meta-redirect@0.1.2 saber-plugin-meta-redirect@0.1.2 :rocket: eslint-config-saber@0.0.1 eslint-config-saber@0.0.1

That's all for last week, please <kbd>:eyes: Watch</kbd> and <kbd>:star: Star</kbd> the repository saberland/saber to receive next weekly updates. :smiley:

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posted by issue-label-bot[bot] over 5 years ago

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