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Index.vue Page does not have hot-reload #494

pxwee5 posted onGitHub

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Bug report

Hot reloading is somehow not working for index.vue page files without a layout. However it is working if we're using page and index.vue layout. The goal is to just use index.vue page without using a layout.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create index.vue page
  2. Remove layout attribute from export const data
  3. Edit content

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What is expected?

Expect hot reloading to continue to work

What is actually happening?

Hot reload does not work

I guess you mean hot reloading isn't working after removing the data.layout property from index.vue page.

posted by egoist over 5 years ago

Yep that's what I meant.

Also, saber-link won't update the page content (window.History is updated however) on a clear cache reload if index page does not use a layout.

To replicate:

  1. cmd+shift+R index page
  2. Try to click any of the permalinks in injectAllPost posts.
posted by pxwee5 over 5 years ago

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