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Global components #515

krmax44 posted onGitHub

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Feature request

Allow the user to register components globally, without digging in configs.

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What problem does this feature solve?

When using components like <warning-message>Heads up!</warning-message> oftenly throughout Markdown, it becomes repetetive to add a script block that imports and registers the component.

What does the proposed API look like?

šŸ“¦ current working directory
 ā”£ šŸ“‚ theme
     ā”£ šŸ“‚ components
         ā”£ šŸ“‚ global
             ā”£ šŸ“„ myGlobalThemeComponent.vue
 ā”£ šŸ“‚ pages
 ā”£ šŸ“‚ components
     ā”£ šŸ“„ myGlobalComponent.vue

Maybe also configurable:

  globalComponents: false # disable it alltogether
  globalComponents: # all Vue files in these folders will be loaded as global components
    - components/
    - theme/foo-bar/

How should this be implemented in your opinion?

Probably as core functionality, possibly as a plugin if desired.

Are you willing to work on this yourself?


Why not register global components in saber-browser.js

posted by egoist over 5 years ago

Why not register global components in saber-browser.js

Did that before, thought it might be handy to do that based on file structure rather than config.

posted by krmax44 over 5 years ago

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