A static website generator for building blazing fast websites with Vue.js
USD raised
Recent activities
Add theme eject command
Support rendering the content of a specific page to static HTML string
chore: Replace vue-lazyload with a custom library
Some bugs in the new website
Hash in links doesn't work in --lazy mode
Link attributes get overwritten
Add getWebpackConfig hook and document how to use custom webpack config
Add --inspect-webpack flag
Allow dev mode to use server rendering
Refactor the page interface
We may need a logo đ¤
PWA plugin
Inject markdown headers as page attributes
feat: plugin for generating responsive images
`publicUrl` doesn't behave as expected.
Feature request: disable service worker
Cannot use scope package for theme.
--lazy mode only works after refreshing the page
i18n support
Website: Change the hash while scrolling
Scroll to anchor in `router.scrollBehavior` doesn't work
Copy Code Using Prism Plugin
Jigsaw blog starter template for Saber
Website: Add a page to show available themes
feature: support line number in code blocks
Always enable --ssr flag for dev mode
Windows path issue in $saber.getPageLink
Invoke a hook before/after generating a page
Renaming/deleting markdown file breaks reloading
shortcodes system
feat: Asset handling via Frontmatter
Allow to extract CSS into standalone files
Deprecate saber-plugin-generate-feed on npm
Check if push or replace in scrollBehavior
Internal links RSS feed remain <saber-link>
A plugin for local search
Frontmatter asset in prevPost not loading
Move CI to GitHub actions
'Window is not defined' where to place client-side only scripts?
mini-css-extract-plugin run during yarn dev
Complete support for relative links in Markdown page
Fails to compile with 0.9.1 - @babel/runtime/generator module not found
Permalinks config option is not respected
Email link gets parsed as relative link
renderPageContent only works in production
Render `<a>` as a normal link if it doesn't point to a page
Add Saber to Wappalyzer
Tutorial: Get an error before creating a first page
Setting default document title and meta description
Weekly Digest (3 November, 2019 - 10 November, 2019)
Weekly Digest (10 November, 2019 - 17 November, 2019)
Available posts is incorrect with saber-plugin-query-posts and categories
Error While Injecting Script Tag into Head
Feature request: Expose line number index for color highlighting
Regression: #556 causing duplicated document meta description
Portuguese Translating
Š 2019 BoostIO, Inc.