Various awesome ESLint rules
USD raised
Recent activities
Rule proposal: Prevent abbreviations
Rule proposal: `no-unnecessary-polyfills`
Rule proposal: `no-for-loop`
Rule proposal: Expiring TODO comments
Rule proposal: No default parameter options
A better `no-nested-ternary` rule
Prefer `event.key` over `event.keyCode`
Rule proposal: `prefer-reflect-apply`
Rule proposal: Consistent destructuring
Rule proposal: Consistent function scoping
Rule proposal: `prefer-modern-dom-apis`
Add fixer for the `catch-error-name` rule
Rule proposal: `prefer-textcontent`
Rule proposal: No zero fractions
Rule proposal: `prefer-dataset`
Rule proposal: Don't import `util` Node.js core module directly
Rule proposal: `prefer-node-remove`
Rule proposal: `prefer-flat-map`
Unify `catch-error-name` variable renaming strategy with `prevent-abbreviations`
Apply `escape-case` to regex literal sequences
Allow multiple cases in `filename-case`
`no-for-loop` false negative
Prefer default parameters
The `no-unsafe-regex` rule is annoying
custom-error-definition does not understand class properties
`prefer-includes` rule
`catch-error-name` fails when try/catch is inside a promise that is caught
The `prefer-add-event-listener` rule should not apply to Koa's `app.context.onerror`
The `prefer-add-event-listener` rule should not autofix event clearing
The `prefer-add-event-listener` rule should not apply to `onbeforeunload` that returns something
Rule proposal: `jsx-import`
`catch-error-name` fixer bug
custom-error-definition rule does not validate against exported name
Should the `prevent-abbreviations` rule work on filenames?
False-positives in `no-fn-reference-in-iterator` rule
Allow disabling of `xo/no-abusive-eslint-disable` via a comment
False positives in the `custom-error-definition` rule
A case for `prefer-flat-map`
import-index: Option to ignore import/export statements
Cannot read property 'references' of undefined in catch-error-name
False positive for the `new-for-builtins` rule
The `regex-shorthand` rule has a false-negative
`prefer-node-append` fixer bug
no-process-exit in worker_threads
Support the new rule `meta.type` property
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