đ JavaScript test runner
USD raised
Recent activities
.throws feedback is not clear enough
Ava test() expression is not callable / has no call signatures
Simultaneously output TAP to a file and the regular reporter to the console
Allow ignoring a resolved configuration
Tap reporter outputs internal stack traces
Allow regexes in `t.like`
Support a proper junit reporter
Executing code in the main thread - e.g. import 'sharp'
Implement .because() modifier for irregular tests
Support `.ava` cacheDir for better compatibility with Yarn PnP
Add option to filter invalid arguments from `execArgv` when launching worker threads
`pattern` CLI option Path Expansion
Setting `NODE_OPTIONS` in `environmentVariables` breaks yarn PnP module resolution.
Add Error .cause property to output
Set `test.meta.debugMode = true` when timeout has been disabled for debugging
feat: print full stack trace on error
Ukraine nonsense on page ==> goto next
AVA Test fails due to timeout, however, exit code 0 is returned
Process completed with exit code 139 on Windows Server 2022
No Way(?) To Disable Unnecessary Error (Which Should be a Warning?)
Eslint fails on node-no-missing-require and node/no-unpublished-require
Error when exporting ava as custom package and import into another package.
Strange timeout issues when running ava thorugh VSCode
Snapshot report descriptions
missing import error message
Make line number selection work with TS and JSX syntax
Line number parser doesn't utilize @ava/typescript's compilation output
Cap idle timeouts to the maximum possible value
ava's colored diff doesn't allow understanding diffs on plain text only logger interfaces like GitHub Actions
CLI running tests filtered by line doeasn work anymore
Support Yarn Plug'n'Play
Provide type definitions for the JS configuration files.
"Timed out while running tests"
Feature Request: Migration Guide from Ava 3 to 4 for advanced macro usage
Test hangs or times out on some TypeScript compilation errors.
Option to configure the timezone in the main process
Print useful message when worker threads cannot be used due to Node.js flags
Alternative assertion for unordered deep comparisons
deepEqual is inconsistent for containers (Object, Set, Map)
Add option to only print out t.log() if the test fails.
process.env.PATH missing in tests on Windows
Worker threads can be much slower than child processes
Parallel CI runs in GitLab CI break matrix
Examples use AVA 3
Support running a test function multiple times with different data
`test.skip` should accept a condition
Support function in `message` expectation in `t.throws` / `t.throwsAsync`
feature: allow custom comparator for parallelRuns
Watch mode not respecting ignoredByWatcher
[ERR_WORKER_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION]: process.chdir() is not supported in workers
"Built-in Babel support has been removed"
ava 4.0.1 does not work with non-native ESM, i.e., esm shim
API Reference
Running a test with --node-arguments='--expose-gc' causes ERR_WORKER_INVALID_EXEC_ARGV
Barebones ESM test module throws "TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: ./package.json"
`ava --version` = "unknown"
can't handle timeout exception
First parameter for "snapshot" assertion should be called "value" for consistency
Module commonjs "require.main" is undefined since v4
Allow further customization of where snapshots are stored
No feedback from test timeout
The snapshot file is corrupted error in CI without any visible reason
Silence console output on passing tests
List watch mode failure & type of failure *after* the diff
Better snapshot formating
Print watch mode shortcut commands only once?
ES modules is not supported
Better feedback for ava test
t.timeout is ignored in test.before
A non-React example would be fine I think.
`Runtime error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'ref' of undefined`
Reports 'No tests found in xxx' and silences error
Remove `convert-source-map` dependency
Stale Tests with previous failures not run
Custom snapshot serialization
Inline snapshots?
How to generate a report?
Ava test output adds 's' to filenames
Trailing slashes break directory matching
Gracefully handle linebreaks in test titles
test runner applied a wired result
Explore using `--enable-source-maps` flag
I want to be disabled
Shared worker teardown
Enable value transfers in shared worker messages
Switching from module import to .test.ts causes processTicksAndRejections
Report does not contain a reference to the location of the test when using macros or helpers from another file
No code in log with "type": "module"
Make watch mode wait for the file system to be idle, and have that be configurable
Restrict shared workers to only work when tests are executing in worker threads
TypeScript instructions don't work?
Remove `id` support in `t.snapshot()`
vue and typescript
vscode debug + typescript recipes are incompatible as authored
"â Timed out while running tests" are not reported as failing tests
t.like not handling arrays as expected
Make t.fail() accept an object
Make t.fail() except an object
Report does not say which tests (or at least which file) failed with timeout
Produce JSON reports
Limit simultaneous tests executed across all files
Implementing Mocks
Setting CWD to directory of test
Truncating titles
Print warning when test files take a disproportionate amount of time to declare tests
watch mode fails to re-run dependent tests
Make ava small again
ava, ~, and tsconfig-paths
Known reporter issues
Improved reporter experience
Add ability to reverse the order of teardown steps
3.7.1 does not work
TypeScript errors not displayed when using a reporter
Have assertions return booleans
vscode launch config doesn't output all of the same information
Add an option to output stdout into a file
Long async assertion timeouts
âCouldn't find any files to testâ â provide more information?
Nyc + ava gives 0 on all coverage lines
Add an option to enable full stacktraces
Can not require cjs files inside tests (undefined extension handler for cjs in require-precompiled)
AVA does not Bail after Assertion Failure with FailFast Option Enabled
BUG: test.cb('', async(t) => {}) throws wrong error notification [or test.serial.cb when awaited]
Publish our fake TTY implementation as its own package
The Debugging with WebStorm recipe needs updating for the new debug command
Find ava.config.js files outside of project directory
Print warning when configuration files are not in the project directory
Allow CLI to select a subset of test files, using micromatch-compatible patterns
Officially expose assertion error properties on `t.try()` results
Document t.try()
Improve error shown when tests finishes while throwsAsync / notThrowsAsync assertions remain pending
BigInt literals cause tests to not be recognized
AVA only loads Babel-compilation output for .js files
Cannot find module xxx/*.png
Tap reporter not returning valuable info
Support `helpers` globs
Consider not updating snapshots automatically
Bind JSON built-ins to allow stubbing
Update dependency tracking after modules are loaded from AVA's "require" configuration
The `fake-tty.js` implementation should shim all the methods
Feature Request: A way to mark a test 'skipped' after it starts
Allow custom serialisers
Log test duration for serial tests only
Protect us from forgetting to remove .skip() or .only()
Macro #use() feature request
Customize assertions
External macros are not transformed with power-assert
Support nested groups?
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