

Update notifications for your CLI app



USD raised

Recent activities

fregante was rewarded by sindresorhus for yeoman/update-notifier# 67
over 4 years ago
fregante submitted an output to  yeoman/ update-notifier# 67
over 4 years ago
litomore was rewarded by sindresorhus for yeoman/update-notifier# 85
almost 5 years ago
fregante was rewarded by sindresorhus for yeoman/update-notifier# 60
almost 5 years ago
fregante submitted an output to  yeoman/ update-notifier# 60
almost 5 years ago



Unfunded#228created bybariscim

Add proxy support

Unfunded#200created bymseele

Recent activities

fregante was rewarded by sindresorhus for yeoman/update-notifier# 67
over 4 years ago
fregante submitted an output to  yeoman/ update-notifier# 67
over 4 years ago
litomore was rewarded by sindresorhus for yeoman/update-notifier# 85
almost 5 years ago
fregante was rewarded by sindresorhus for yeoman/update-notifier# 60
almost 5 years ago
fregante submitted an output to  yeoman/ update-notifier# 60
almost 5 years ago