An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
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Tabs 低版本兼容问题
InputNumber 数字输入框数字超出数去精度
使用 tailwindcss 后导致 Input 组件的clearIcon向下偏移问题
Support needConfirm for time-picker and date-picker component
AutoComplete 回车bug
tree组件 可以拖拽到目标节点中 而不是只能上方或下方
tabel 组件是否考虑添加虚拟滚动 virtual 功能 5.0版本的已经有了 vue版本什么时候适配一下
tree select dropdown 回显异常
关于Slider 滑动输入条的滑块按钮,请添加双击事件
Tooltip/Popover 对svg元素如line显示异常
a-select组件中的a-select-option的内容无法被复制,在添加了css样式user-select: text;后仍然如此
a-date-picker how i display BBBB
tabs 使用英文或者特殊符号的内容,tab-item元素出现小数点宽度,导致transformSize mergedBasicSize计算不准
Ability to hide image controls in the toolbar
Ant Design Vue V4 带有icon的tag标签,文字和icon不居中,看起来很丑
InputNumber 数字输入框,增加一个小键盘的组件
select组件自动分词在options为空的情况下 按enter键会导致删除,而且还是按照 ascii排序之后的删除
a-textarea show-count position
App包裹组件 在 pinia 全局场景 中 App.useApp() 返回的 message notification modal 等为空
time-range-picker use format "HH:mm", click the end date at first, select dropdown shows in a wrong position
请求修复 a-date-picker使用show-time tab按键可以切换日期
a-image 组件 preview.getContainer 是否可以支持 a-config-provider 配置的全局 getContainer
官网 select dropdownRender 渲染白屏bug
Issue with Custom Date Picker Using a-range-picker in Ant Design
vc-virtual-list 添加props作为attr在dom上
The list component lacks slots
有 ant-design 5.x 的兼容计划吗?
Tree draggable的icon咋没加?
a-input 组件不受控,通过设置v-model:value绑定的值并使用input事件导致页面展示不正确
给ToolTip的default设置动态class时, 在触发时间结束后, 错误的使用props.class写回到dom
Table component issue
表格对列设置resizable: true,sorter:true.列的伸缩拖动后还会触发排序行为.怎么做可以在拖动列宽后不触发排序
popover 使用click打开后浏览器窗口变化,气泡卡片位置不跟着走。
Cascader Automatically align selected options
config provider scope错误
the args of `notification.useNotification` does not work.
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "onRemove". Expected Function, got Array
a-directory-tree 点击标题行时 expand 会触发两次
body使用zoom做缩放自适应 组件下拉(select)zoom不等于1时 定位错误 发生偏移
FloatButton 组件没有完全继承Button属性
DatePicker 日期选择框 Select Time 示例中,先选择年份,然后点此刻没反应
AutoComplete 组件,嵌套其他输入组件,清空value时,嵌套组件内容不清空
components/vc-table/Body/BodyRow.tsx文件的const key = columnsKey[colIndex];应该是columnsKey.value吧
希望可以添加Split 面板分割组件
Form 與其以下輸入類型的表單驗證
主题修改中,controlHeight 对于多选Select 不生效, 单选Select生效
页面中使用a-input进行报错TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'input')
Tree 组件异步加载,Promise 抛出异常,Tree组件会报错
Not work input
Table row-selection父子节点事件和属性优先级问题
Menu 在折叠后会失去 openkeys
DatePicker renderExtraFooter 中的 Input 无法被选中/输入内容
ant design vue table getCheckboxProps set indeterminate not working
4.2.0版本以后,tooltip 在低版本浏览器 chrome65 中显示位置不对
table 组件 树形表格支持懒加载
Cascader 级联选择组件,它没有像tree组件一样有那个虚拟列表(virtual虚拟滚动)吗?大数据量的时候,这个级联组件卡死,包括展开,和选择的时候
i am working on a project using Laravel / vuejs vite and i have a problem in IconBase.js in ant-design-vue package and exactly on :
Select组件选项弹出后滚动容器,弹出的选项不会跟随滚动,而是悬浮再固定的位置 React的ant没有这个问题
BUG: 如果List或者Table给Pagination分页设置了"both",只有最后一个可用
Table组件dataSource属性当一页的数据量200左右,滚动table会出现[Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of watcher callback
[Bug] Select Custom dropdown 关闭后 Select 的聚焦状态一直保持
can not use watermark
Exception occurred in AutoComplete component nesting Input-Number
Dropdown content is rendered 11 times when opened
When InputNumber has a formatter attribute, it is not possible to enter a decimal with a negative zero point, such as -0.121
The table has fixed columns, but the screen width does not produce scroll bars at this time. But if you resize the screen once, the fixed column shadow will show
About the scrollToField in the form form
Table column customRender and slots cannot be set at the same time
a-date-picker component bug
customRender is automatically triggered when the mouse moves to the cell
Why can't the content in the slots of the carousel component be responsive?
About components using v-model to add modifiers
After Button.Group is abandoned and replaced by Space, there are rounded corners between buttons
The select selector cannot be copied after the input box has a value
When the Table component hovers each row, it will trigger the re-rendering of the Table moved into the row
Upload component, photo wall example, the performance of version 3.x and version 2.x is inconsistent, the animation effect of version 3.x is not as smooth as that of version 2.x
datepicker date box position is wrong
cascader multi-select highlighted is not already selected
When the time-range-picker is long, after selecting two times, the mouse focus is elsewhere, and after clicking the time-picker, a drop-down pop-up box will be displayed below the first time of the time-picker
is ant design support vue jsx
Wrong HTTP status code (404) returned from the docs website
In DatePicker week mode, if the valueFormat parameter is specified, the displayed value is abnormal
Table expand icon is not center when set size to small
When the Drawer is used in the DropDown component, the Drawer cannot be popped up
table component rowSelection Merge checkbox problem
After the menu component sets the getPopupContainer property, if there are children in the drop-down menu, the arrow on the right cannot be displayed
Support number type for Table API 'rowKey' and 'selectedRowKeys'
The tree control will lose the expansion animation after the second switch after the accordion mode is enabled
The handle property of Draw is inconsistent with the property name of react
invoke in watchEffect will cause infinity loop
When dynamically binding a ref to an element or custom component through v-for in the Drawer component, the method of binding ref for each element or custom component is executed twice
a-menu property `key` conflict with vue
Module '"ant-design-vue"' has no exported member 'message'. Did you mean to use 'import message from "ant-design-vue"' instead?
css antd.variable.min.css in dist has packeged css twice, one not with var, one with var, please remove.
If Modal is added with the 'centered' property, it will cause the text to shake for a moment when Modal is opened
When using the virtual scrolling of tree, when the data is too long, it is impossible to scroll left and right
The virtual scroll of the tree component hopes to optimize the performance and add some functions
The content of web-type.json is wrong
The container of affix is scrolled, and there is a bug when it can be scrolled outside the container. After the inner scroll, when the outer scroll is scrolled, the element of affix will roll out of the inner container, and the official website component dome can be reproduced
Use Dropdown in TABS to define a drop-down menu: visible="true", it will be rendered twice
Popconfirm positioning is not accurate, the secondary positioning is correct after operation
The table has fixed headers and columns, and the safari mobile browser will float back and forth by sliding left and right up and down.
"placeholder" of a-input is not HMR if a-input is surrounded with other ant component
async-validator console error
Error Capture Issue
value in onFilter expect string | number | boolean
The event bound to TreeSelect @blur is executed when the focus enters the TreeSelect, and not executed when the focus moves out of the TreeSelect
When two tables appear, the fixed row and fixed column display misalignment
datePicker focus and blur are executed at the same time
The style of the upload component in the form in the pop-up box
a-form-model-item validate-status and help are not effective
After Tooltip and its derived Popover and Popconfirm components are scaled externally (such as the body), the internally calculated top and left positioning coordinates do not correspond to each other, and they are misaligned.
getPopupContainer some needs (triggerNode)=>{ return triggerNode.parentNode}, some needs (triggerNode)=>{ return triggerNode}, what is the reason
Table setting fixed: the right column is not fixed and has no effect.
The component type definition is wrong in Volar0.27.14
The pop-up box of mention will exceed the screen border
Dependency Dashboard
After setting the width of the body, when the window.visualviewport is smaller than the width of the body, the positioning of the Slider component will be inaccurate
if less variable is @color, the @primary-color is @primary-color: @color; the @primary-color will abnormal
input-number cannot be automatically cleared when the input value is not within the range
change data-range panel with keyborad not working
Header's Border not connect with body's border and header position change after random scrolling
When used directly in the browser, the icon cannot be parsed
Want to add notification to the NotificationArgsProps type export
The round button and avatar are not centered, whether they are icons or text
The selected style does not appear after the radio binding array is selected
tree-select treeIcon customization is invalid
提交 issue 必读(除非你并不需要解决问题)
Carousel component doesnt work with i18n and $t and ref
The select component does not work in automatic word segmentation in multi-select mode
Popover Bug: when popover inner button disabled. popover click action can still trigger
Put an input search box in the select drop-down slot, and click the input box will lose the focus. This antdv 1.7.5, and 2.1.6 have this problem, when can I fix it, and then I wrote the same with react's antd A drop-down search does not have this problem
The icon is fully imported after compilation, and the package size is too large
Range picker Cannot read property 'isSame' of undefined
Violation Warning
The maximum content length of the textarea component is calculated incorrectly
The switch component click event cannot use the .stop modifier to prevent the click event from bubbling
Uncaught TypeError when using SubMenu in h function
If the tree selection box is disabled, the response state of the parent and child will be lost
When i use Upload Component multiple is true, there is only one upload file, if i remove v-model:file-list="fileList", multiple is work.
Can the switcherIcon slot of the tree component return the identifier of whether the current node is expanded?
Can the tree component provide a method getCheckedNodes() ?
AutoComplete 自动完成-自定义选项 为什么设计成选择完选项回填到输入框时,自动前后加空格?
<a-tree-select />树选择组件,输入框内,按键盘删除键,删除的是已选节点的最后一个子节点,期望是删除这个节点。
The Documentation Site is Very slow. Takes upto 1 minute
使用 useForm API 进行表单校验的问题
tabs 嵌套table组件时出现tab底部条回弹现象
TS typings of components should be more useful
Popconfirm breaks style of disabled button inside ButtonGroup
Support TS generics
discuss useForm
Ant Design Pro react版 中流程编辑器是否计划做出来
建议 Form 组件 提供类似 labelWidth API 或优化 labelCol 和 wrapperCol
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