
Request/Question: Binaries for Raspbian? [$10] #193

aremes posted onGitHub

I'm looking to running node-webkit on the raspberry pi hardware. i'd very much like to get this done myself, so as to learn a few things about cross-compiling for arm. but before i spend weeks trying to do this(i have a lot to learn): are there any ambitions towards this already? maybe something to start off from? any fundamental things about node-webkit that would make this a no-go?

i know node is running on raspbian and so is chromium. so this should be doable, yes?


There is a $10 open bounty on this issue. Add to the bounty at Bountysource. </bountysource-plugin>

As long as node and chromium works well on ARM it should be doable. We don't do much changes when integrate them.

posted by rogerwang over 12 years ago

btw, I'm not sure the CPU comes with the RPI are powerful enough to run chromium smoothly. You may want to check that first.

posted by rogerwang over 12 years ago

i've tested on my RPI and chromium run. it would be fun if we could have the node-webkit raspberry and start xorg without the command line just to have node-webkit thread and in full screen. is it possible? (even if it is not yet very fluid?)

posted by Frulko about 12 years ago

I'm getting to work on that. will report back with any questions/progress updates.

posted by aremes about 12 years ago

Any updates on the arm build?

@aremes To boot straight to node-webkit just add the node-webkit execution command to you .bash_profile set the kiosk flag and the url you want to boot too:

nw --kiosk http://example.com
posted by euforic about 12 years ago

I'm new to building nw/chromium so I'm taking baby-steps here. :) I managed to get nw to build on my machine yesterday(had to take a few extra-steps as my cpu almost fried in the process). I'm not sure whether i should try building directly on arm, or whether i should set up the cross-compiling toolchain on my ubuntu system. Based on the cpu the build process requires, i guess ill go with the latter. will let you know how it went tomorrow morning.

@euforic i'll try something this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/xfree-run-single-program-fullscreen-115651 with nw in kiosk mode. but of course getting nw to build is first priority, and i only have little free time to work on that, unfortunately.

posted by aremes about 12 years ago

ok. so i followed the various tutorials out there, state as of Jan.15th 2309 UTC+1 is:

user@host:~/node-webkit/src$ make -j4 nw BUILDTYPE=Release
  CXX(target) out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/accessors.o
  CXX(target) out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/allocation.o
  CXX(target) out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/api.o
  CXX(target) out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/assembler.o
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-m32'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mmmx'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized argument in option '-march=pentium4'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: note: valid arguments to '-march=' are: armv2 armv2a armv3 armv3m armv4 armv4t armv5 armv5e armv5t armv5te armv6 armv6-m armv6j armv6k armv6s-m armv6t2 armv6z armv6zk armv7 armv7-a armv7-m armv7-r armv7e-m ep9312 iwmmxt iwmmxt2 native
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-msse2'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mfpmath=sse'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-m32'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mmmx'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized argument in option '-march=pentium4'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: note: valid arguments to '-march=' are: armv2 armv2a armv3 armv3m armv4 armv4t armv5 armv5e armv5t armv5te armv6 armv6-m armv6j armv6k armv6s-m armv6t2 armv6z armv6zk armv7 armv7-a armv7-m armv7-r armv7e-m ep9312 iwmmxt iwmmxt2 native
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-msse2'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mfpmath=sse'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-m32'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mmmx'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized argument in option '-march=pentium4'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: note: valid arguments to '-march=' are: armv2 armv2a armv3 armv3m armv4 armv4t armv5 armv5e armv5t armv5te armv6 armv6-m armv6j armv6k armv6s-m armv6t2 armv6z armv6zk armv7 armv7-a armv7-m armv7-r armv7e-m ep9312 iwmmxt iwmmxt2 native
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-msse2'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mfpmath=sse'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-m32'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mmmx'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized argument in option '-march=pentium4'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: note: valid arguments to '-march=' are: armv2 armv2a armv3 armv3m armv4 armv4t armv5 armv5e armv5t armv5te armv6 armv6-m armv6j armv6k armv6s-m armv6t2 armv6z armv6zk armv7 armv7-a armv7-m armv7-r armv7e-m ep9312 iwmmxt iwmmxt2 native
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-msse2'
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mfpmath=sse'
make: *** [out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/allocation.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make: *** [out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/accessors.o] Error 1
make: *** [out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/api.o] Error 1
make: *** [out/Release/obj.target/v8_base/v8/src/assembler.o] Error 1

-- so i'm gonna go ahead and assume there's something terribly wrong with my cross-compile toolchain. i'll get back to it tomorrow night. any help in the meantime would be appreciated. here's a short list of some of the sources i used for setting things up:

maybe, based on roger wang's comment:

As long as node and chromium works well on ARM it should be doable. We don't do much changes when integrate them.

i should start with setting everything up for compiling nodejs as well as the latest chromium on their own.

posted by aremes about 12 years ago

Okay i can't help you i don't have skill to do that but I'm enjoy about a futur of Node-webik will arrive on Raspberry Pi or Other ARM plateform with one-line command :)

posted by Frulko about 12 years ago

I have compiled node v0.8.18 on Debian (A10 processor), since the version is too old in repo, following these steps: https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager it compiled successfully.

I haven't compiled chromium yet, it's too large, I have to prepare a larger SD card before doing that. Which platform do you working on? I want to switch to Arch Linux, seems Debian is lack of maintenance.

posted by newghost about 12 years ago

hi! yeah, the repo packages seem a little outdated.

Chromes large code-base is why i opted for cross-compiling rather than compiling on the pi itself (that, and i Thinkpad ran pretty hot when compiling for a while. didn't want to fry the pi, as it is not mine :) )

I have had absolutely no time to work on this, but i'm getting started again. it seems like the chromium build for RPI required quite a bit of magic on behalf of people far more experienced than i am, so don't get your hopes up :)

posted by aremes about 12 years ago


I found an interesting thing, in the official Chromium OS sites, the design and other docs indicate that chromium support for armv7.

http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chromiumos-design-docs/chromium-os-kernel https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/nativeclient/reference/arm-overview#TOC-About-ARM-and-ARMv7-A

Support for i386, ARMv7 and x86_64 is planned.
The tradeoff for using 64 bits is additional power consumption and memory usage, in return for greater performance.

Does it means chrome only support for cortex-A8 processor or above? No, someone have compiled Chrome-OS successfully on resp-pi: http://www.cnx-software.com/2012/04/19/building-chromium-os-for-raspberry-pi-armv6/

Maybe I can have a try after Chinese new year.

posted by newghost about 12 years ago

Hi Guys, I don't have time to work on this, but if you can make it work and would like to commit to maintain it after that I'm happy to merge it to master.

posted by rogerwang about 12 years ago


The board besides my hand is based on A10 and not stable yet and I‘m not specific with C++. Not sure I can help but I'll have a try. Any progress will feedback here.

posted by newghost about 12 years ago

I will soon have a have a Pandaboard (OMAP), Arndale (EXYNOS), Rapberry Pi (256&512mb), Samsung Galaxy S3 etc test bed for testing arm software.

I will happily build/test against these if anyone can help me put together a fool proof build process for Ubuntu.

I have tried UweTrottmann's instructions linked to above, to no avail. I get a terminal full of 404s when trying to include arm sources.

posted by seannicholls about 12 years ago

I managed to compile node-webkit on hardkernel odroid-x2 (cortex a9) as armhf binary. I used Linaro 12.11. Result is available here https://github.com/toxygen/armhf-node-webkit

posted by toxygen about 12 years ago

@toxygen how did you compile it?

posted by seannicholls almost 12 years ago

The compilation was very similar to normal compilation, however, I had to modify few scripts and sources. To make long story short, I had to change src/build/install-build-deps.sh, specifically

  if ! uname -m | egrep -q "i686|x86_64"; then
    echo "Only x86 architectures are currently supported" >&2

but in the end I made sure myself that all deps are met (which was not as easy as it seems).

Then I had some trouble with libnss, the sources referred to <nss.h> which was provided by libc6-dev but what it really wanted was <nss/nss.h> which was provided by libnss3-dev.

I also had to compile gold32 compiler from sources, because in this repo armhf binaries are not provided. Next I had to compile ninja for amrhf too.

Finally I modified src/build/common.gypi to forget about armel (softfp) and inserted define USE_EABI_HARDFLOAT.

If @rogerwang is interested, I can send him diff which would assure successful compilation on armhf platform.

posted by toxygen almost 12 years ago


Well done, It works on my Linaro 12.04,

I had worked on this for nearly 4~5 weeks, but run into couple of issues and finally blocked at making cross-build month ago, may caused by the rootfs of Raspbian, I make a log.

I am not familiar with dealing such things, so we are trying use alternate solution to build our local web app, etc HTML5ApplicationViewer in QT4.8 Debian, (WebView in Android/ iOS.)

But the interactive API between it's container and JS is very different on each platform, need waste lots of time. Expect you guy can continue this work in order to make it possible to use pure js to build native app.

posted by newghost almost 12 years ago


I downloaded your package built and works very well on my BeagleBoard-xM which is an ARMv7 cortex 8 board.

Is there an chance you upload the diff file or is it now patched with the current node-webkit on the repo?

I would like to build it also on my BeagleBoard-xM and also to try an create a cross-compile script for it.

Hear from you soon!

God blesses!!!

best regards, Sanyaade

posted by sanyaade-mobiledev almost 12 years ago

@sanyaade-mobiledev I will issue a pull request once I will have time to do everything properly. The binary was generated with back-then current node-webkit (less than a month ago from now).

posted by toxygen almost 12 years ago


Thank you for your reply. I will be on the look out for it and get my BeagleBoard to build on it, once the pull request is activated.

Hear from you soon!

God blesses!!!

best regards, Sanyaade

posted by sanyaade-mobiledev almost 12 years ago

Any luck with this as of yet?

posted by CoryGH almost 12 years ago

I tried to compile 0.5.0 on arm few days ago, but there were many more problems than with previous versions. I will have a look at it in coming weeks, as my free time will allow.

posted by toxygen almost 12 years ago

What's the compile process like? I've managed to compile both chromium and node.js directly on Raspbian, but not sure how to turn them into node-webkit.

posted by CoryGH almost 12 years ago

Any news on the compilation? Would love to get a working binary for a rpi (armv6).

posted by mgcrea almost 12 years ago


Great to hear that you have been able to compile chromium and node.js. What you need next is to link them to node-webkit. I think node-webkit folder arrangement need to be followed so that node-webkit can find chromium and node.js libraries. If you follow the folder arrangement for either Windows or Linux then it should work.

Can you please also explain the steps you have taken to get Chromium and node.js compiled on Raspbian. I have compile node.js on BeagleBoard but I have not try Chromium. Can you upload them on your Github? Many thanks!

God blesses!!!

Best regards, Sanyaade

posted by sanyaade-programming almost 12 years ago

Can we get a little update here? :D I'm highly interested in this topic, especially the graphics performance, as I might gonna use Pis for my kiosk systems.

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

Updates ?

posted by euforic over 11 years ago

I haven't had time to work on this at all, and i no longer have access to a Pi. However, i do now own a beaglebone black, so i'll see if i can get nw to compile on that one of these days. i'll post any results here, of course

posted by aremes over 11 years ago

Wow, the Beaglebone Black looks very promising. Even better than the Pi. As it's capable to run Ubuntu (afaik), compiling nw should work just fine. If you're successful, please let us now. Could you also do a little perfomance/graphics test in nw? That would just be too kind of you. :)

I'll immediately buy a bunch of these, if everything works. :D

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

I ended up going with Midori configured to replace the window manager on Raspbian with all it's escape functions (menus, hotkeys, etc) disabled and a copy of node.js running as a daemon via forever in the background if that helps anyone. Never did get node-webkit running on it.

posted by CoryGH over 11 years ago

Really keen to see node-webkit running on BB/BBB. What exactly is the issue? I am new to Linux, so would be pretty useless for help... But I hear some people have built Chromium, some can't,... ?

@CoryGH Now I am wondering - what benefits does using node-webkit have over using a frameless Midori?

posted by mrikmsan over 11 years ago

@mrikmsan node-webkit is a bit more streamlined, it would probably work best in conjunction with a node.js instance in the background for multi-threading, but for simple apps node-webkit is by far a better solution. If you go the Midori/node.js route you are pretty much writing a web app (calls for the filesystem and similar have to be broken off into the node.js code, completely separate from the web side with socket.io or similar obfuscating their messaging).

posted by CoryGH over 11 years ago

Like this; http://www.recantha.co.uk/blog/?p=4520 This gives you the GUI front end using a Chromium browser on the RPi in kiosk mode. So what benefits does node-webkit have?

posted by mrikmsan over 11 years ago

@mrikmsan See my previous response. With node-webkit you don't have the overhead of socket.io as a requirement, the need to have a local http server of some form running or the design changes in the code itself essentially forcing you to have to separate codebases and the IPC associated for simple stuff like filesystem operations.

posted by CoryGH over 11 years ago

I was planning on running Express.js anyway to serve up the same GUI to remote clients. node.js will be doing all the work with the I/O via bonescript. With this in mind - do I lose the benefits of using node-webkit?

If that post above is using Chromium on RPi, then should node-webkit be able to be built?

posted by mrikmsan over 11 years ago

@mrikmsan Chromium is a bit different than node-webkit (it's much easier to get Chromium compiling solo than webkit, both Chromium and node.js compile on rpi fine, it's the combined node-webkit package that doesn't - I think it may have some ARM-unfriendly dependencies but I'm not one of the developers for it so I couldn't comment accurately on that).

posted by CoryGH over 11 years ago

Im Also looking for this, hope some one can compile the latest NW for the pi

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

if you are are just looking for a way to display HTML5 pages on a RPi LCD/HDMI, then consider using Qt with its QtWebkit. If coded properly, you can also have Express.js (or some other webserver), serving the same page up remotely.

posted by mrikmsan over 11 years ago

Hi mrikmsan

I have a project im working on in node-webkit and wanted to port it to the PI i could probably modify it and setup nodeJS on the PI but it would be nice to keep it single source multiple devices.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

Hi Guys

Im attempting to compile node-webkit on the PI now, will let you know how i go and if successful i will do a write up on the steps and patches i have made.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

Looking forward to this! :) — Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 8:46 AM, albi90 notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi Guys

Im attempting to compile node-webkit on the PI now, will let you know how i go and if successful i will do a write up on the steps and patches i have made.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/issues/193#issuecomment-21917905

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

Hi slivinci

You are in luck, I got home today and the build completed successfully and is working. PM me if you want a copy of the release folder to test, I can't publicly post a link due to ffmpeg licenses.

Thanks Jason

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

@albi90 Wow! Thank you so effing much. Does nw run smoothly? Have you tried some rendering tests like Three.js, Acid3 and CSS3? Could you post a quick gist describing how you built nw so we can reproduce that later on? Can you get in touch with me at github@janbuschtoens.de?

Sorry to nag you with so many questions, but these are GREAT news! :D

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

Done! http://gist.github.com/albi90/6135922

also you can download and test the build from http://squareboxdesign.net/nw.tar

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

oh those steps are to natively compile on the pi not to cross compile

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

Awesome, man! Have you tried the performance tests yet? :)

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

Not yet, I tried to run a program im working on that has lots of css3 transitions and it was fairly slow but worked.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

Just bought a begalbone black to, hopefully I will get better css performance from it, I have a feeling chromium on the pi doesn't utilise the GPU very well.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

I wouldn't be capable of expressing my joy in words, if you would be able to get decent results on the BB :heart:

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

It will be a few days before I get it and can start compiling, but given that its armv7 I would expect a huge performance gain but we won't know until we try. Either way I will post my results and binaries here.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

Great, looking forward to this. Thanks for your work. :)

2013/8/2 albi90 notifications@github.com

It will be a few days before I get it and can start compiling, but given that its armv7 I would expect a huge performance gain but we won't know until we try. Either way I will post my results and binaries here.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/issues/193#issuecomment-21976926 .

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

@albi90 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

posted by aremes over 11 years ago

No problem aremes, it was a good challenge, I'm trying to get ffmpeg to compile with h264 support now to see how we'll the html5 video tag works.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago


Well-done! I will try a build next week following you outline and direction. I have BeagleBoard-xm but also have pcDuino [1.2Ghz with 1gb ram DDR3] and I am waiting for the delivery of CubieBoard see: http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/catalog/cubieboard-p-1209.html I have the A10 as well hopefully it will reduce the compiling time. Hope then move the result to cross-compile on PC for more faster compiling.

The good news is that embedded board are getting cheaper, for a £52.00 board dual dual core 1Ghz, 1GB DDR3, sata drive up to 1 tetrabyte, wifi, ir, etc.. I think the era of desktop is coming to end soon. If you don’t believe this then see UDOO at: http://www.udoo.org/ for a quad core pcDuino at: http://shop.udoo.org/ $129. This is less than what we pay for our BeagleBoard-xm a year ago. I have ordered for six for our students projects.

I am very much interested in node-webkit embedded. I have looked at other options with/without chrome but based on webkit and node.js. The challenges that I have faced was compiling webkit as a library. I scorned the internet but could not find anything on how to build it as library so I have built webkit, webkitgtk, owb, etc... but not as a library. If anyone has the information or tip then please let me know.

Once again, many thanks for everybody input. Happy hacking!

God blesses!!!

Best regards, Sanyaade

posted by sanyaade-teachings over 11 years ago

Hi Guys, Quick update i have a BBB and am currently compiling node-webkit on it, i hope to have a working version based on the latest source in the next few days but it could be a bit longer if i encounter some issues.

Im building on Debian 7 not Ångström (but i will test the binary's on Ångström to).

I also have a Cubieboard2 on order looking forward to having a play with this one to.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

So exciting to see all this work being done on single board computers. <3

2013/8/14 albi90 notifications@github.com

Hi Guys, Quick update i have a BBB and am currently compiling node-webkit on it, i hope to have a working version based on the latest source in the next few days but it could be a bit longer if i encounter some issues.

Im building on Debian 7 not Ångström (but i will test the binary's on Ångström to).

I also have a Cubieboard2 on order looking forward to having a play with this one to.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/issues/193#issuecomment-22604326 .

posted by buschtoens over 11 years ago

Hi Guys

you can get NW for armv7 hard float from: http://squareboxdesign.net/nw/armv7/nw-hardfp.tar.bz2

I haven't done much testing, but NW opens and runs on beaglebone black (i think my X was not setup correctly as i have to pass --ignore-gpu-blacklist) and cubieboard2 both don't have GPU acceleration, if anyone has a cubieboard A10 with the mali 400 drivers working it would be nice to see some tests.

Thanks Jason.

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago


Please post the outline of steps you have taken to compile the binary. This will be a great help for those of us who will like to do it and also try out the cross-compilation on PC.

Do you have to compile chromium, chromium embedded, node.js and then linked them with node-webkit? or you just compiled the node-webkit after modifying the configuration/makefile?

Are you planning to upload your build (zip version of the directory) to the git hub? It will be nice if this can be built upon and improvement is made by the community :+1:

I will download from the link you provided above and report back soon.

God blesses!!!

Best regards, Sanyaade

posted by sanyaade-mobiledev over 11 years ago

No Problem @sanyaade-mobiledev i will create a gist later on today, its just compiled from the node-webkit source no changes except for a custom gypi include file to tell chromium my configuration options. actually the build was pretty straight forward, it took approximately 24hrs to compile on the beaglebone black and works quite well on my cubieboard2 with no gpu acceleration (video is a little slow).

Thanks Jason

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago

Hi guys

Here is the gist for compiling on armv7 https://gist.github.com/albi90/6279255 you can get all the build dependencies from inside src/build/install-build-deps.sh

have fun compiling...

posted by albi90 over 11 years ago


This is great! I must thank you very much for all your efforts and for all your egos. Kudos! :+1:

I will now set-up the build to get it first compile and move on to various boards before the cross compile.

We need to collaborate to move this forward.

Once again, many thanks!

God blesses!!!

Best regards, Sanyaade

posted by sanyaade-mobiledev over 11 years ago

I've been following this thread with great interest.

Thanks a lot @albi90 for your amazing help on this! A lot of people are going to use theses builds thanks to you.

posted by mgcrea over 11 years ago

Anyone has tried it in RPi? How is the performance? Thanks for the great work

posted by alex5imon over 11 years ago

I compiled 0.7.1 for armhf, for those who are interested: https://github.com/toxygen/armhf-node-webkit. I used rather different approach than albi90. btw. gold linker for arm is quite easy obtainable by compiling binutils.

posted by toxygen over 11 years ago

Just wanted to prod this - I'm trying to write an app that graphically displays data from the Serial Port on a Raspberry Pi. node-webkit would have been great for this.

Because the Pi has such limited resources, doing your own build is much more time consuming than it would be on a PC, so having something pre-built would be awesome.

posted by gfwilliams over 10 years ago

Do any builds support the video element

posted by ghost over 10 years ago

Any build will support the video element, but chromium doesn't support arm gpu's and vpu's so its pretty much useless, all video falls back to cpi processing which is impossible on the pi.

Thanks Jason k

-----Original Message----- From: "devmon" notifications@github.com Sent: ‎8/‎07/‎2014 10:31 AM To: "rogerwang/node-webkit" node-webkit@noreply.github.com Cc: "albi90" jasonkenah@gmail.com Subject: Re: [node-webkit] Request/Question: Binaries for Raspbian? (#193)

Do any builds support the video element — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

posted by albi90 over 10 years ago

@albi90 I have the v2 of the Rpi, I downloaded your build and it starts, but then fails and reports this error:

"[1160:0725/190703:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(144)] Running without the SUID sandbox! See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSUIDSandboxDevelopment for more information on developing with the sandbox on."

I did some searching, and tried using "chromium-args": "--disable-setuid-sandbox" in the package.json file with no luck.

Thanks in advance.

posted by qrpike over 10 years ago

Hi Quinton

That build was for an older version or raspbian so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work now, if I remember correctly the sandbox error always came up but node-webkit still ran correctly.

Are you sure your using the armv6 build and not the armv7?

-----Original Message----- From: "Quinton Pike" notifications@github.com Sent: ‎26/‎07/‎2014 11:27 AM To: "rogerwang/node-webkit" node-webkit@noreply.github.com Cc: "albi90" jasonkenah@gmail.com Subject: Re: [node-webkit] Request/Question: Binaries for Raspbian? (#193)

@albi90 I have the v2 of the Rpi, I downloaded your build and it starts, but then fails and reports this error: "[1160:0725/190703:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(144)] Running without the SUID sandbox! See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSUIDSandboxDevelopment for more information on developing with the sandbox on." I did some searching, and tried using "chromium-args": "--disable-setuid-sandbox" in the package.json file with no luck. Thanks in advance. — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

posted by albi90 over 10 years ago

@albi90 Yes, I used the v6 version. But I was running it on Arch linux instead of raspbian, so that may be the problem?

On arch it would start and I would get the app open on the screen for about 3 seconds before it errored out.

posted by qrpike over 10 years ago


posted by sashahilton00 over 10 years ago


posted by FREEZX over 10 years ago

I am building node-webkit for rPi. Thing is, compiling Chromium will take ages. I'll try and report on how it goes in a few days. Would like this sorted out though.

There's issue #1151 which is relevant too

posted by matejkramny over 10 years ago

Make sure you have a decent swap partition active the compile will take a day at least (well that's how long the old version took)

posted by albi90 over 10 years ago

@albi90 since yesterday, its still doing gclient sync :P.

posted by matejkramny over 10 years ago


I downloaded your node-webkit build for raspberry pi (armv6) that you linked here: http://squareboxdesign.net/nw.tar

And tested it on my raspberry pi with very primitive nw app with just html and one node modules package and it worked well! thanks

I plan on writing an app to use Adafruits small PiTFT screen to let me connect to any wifi network and type in a password with an on screen keyboard.

Having the node webkit makes it easy since I can just launch the app to connect to wifi.

posted by sferoze about 10 years ago

@sferoze Is audio working on that build?

posted by FREEZX about 10 years ago

please let me know the latest binaries for node webkit to run on raspberry pi 2 module,also its dependencies.

posted by dkvbabu about 10 years ago

@albi90 I tried to build latest version to RPi following your gist. But when I try to get the code using "gclient sync" it never stops downloading until the end of disk space. Do you have any suggestion? Does anybody interested to build new version to RPi?

posted by eduardodoria almost 10 years ago

How big is your SD card?

posted by sashahilton00 almost 10 years ago

@sashahilton00 First, I tried in a real RPi using 16Gb SD card. After, I tried in a emulated RPi using 25Gb of disk space. Both with Raspbian.

posted by eduardodoria almost 10 years ago

Does anybody interested to build new version to RPi?

I believe all in this thread are, or at list I still am :+1:

posted by surdu almost 10 years ago

I'm interested as well.

posted by jonwwilkes almost 10 years ago


posted by wamburu almost 10 years ago


posted by ubaltaci almost 10 years ago

I'm interested too.

posted by xavier83ar almost 10 years ago

+1 for that

posted by leualemax almost 10 years ago


posted by mbardelmeijer almost 10 years ago

I would be interested in a 0.12.1 ARM build as well as future versions.

posted by baconbrad almost 10 years ago

Would having a bounty on this help the cause or nwjs doesn't even plan to have official support for arm ?

posted by surdu almost 10 years ago

I'm very interested in a build that works on the Raspberry Pi B 2.

@rogerwang A while ago you asked about how well node and chromium run on a Raspberry Pi. I've got recent versions of both of them running, and they both work well. I have built chromium from source on a Linux VM, and am using the published ARMv6 iojs build. I've been struggling to get nw to compile, and have also tried @jtg-gg's fork, but could not integrate it properly into my .gclient file.

I also suggest that getting nw working on ARM and Raspberry Pi 2 B be made more of a priority for the project as it would be a way to run a GUI with standard technologies in with high performance relative to other runtimes on that device. I'm not saying it would be high performance, just that it would be good enough for many things, and that's high performance relative to other options on the Raspberry Pi 2 B.

posted by metabench almost 10 years ago

@albi90 I tried running your armv6 build on my Raspberry pi 1 B+, it runs, but it seems the css3 transitions dont work if one of your above comments you have mentioned css3 transitions to be working for you,

Have you done any specific things for these to work ?

posted by sdinesh86 almost 10 years ago

Thank you so much @albi90 ! Hope this will work on the new Raspberry as well (I ordered one).

@sdinesh86 maybe stupid question but did you prefixed your css transition for webkit ?

posted by brospars over 9 years ago

@benuts Yes I had the transitions prefixed with webkit

posted by sdinesh86 over 9 years ago

@sdinesh86 transitions are working for me but not smooth at all, maybe if there are too much the pi can't handle it..

posted by brospars over 9 years ago


I have just created a repository with the node-webkit binary port that runs on Raspbian, tested and working on Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi 3 so it is ARMv6 and ARMv7 compatible.

Here you can check it: https://github.com/jalbam/nwjs_rpi

posted by jalbam over 8 years ago

Thx a lot. So i tried to launch the configurator with the build of nw.js for raspi but i have a lot of errors related to gdkpixbuf.

posted by lalek54 about 7 years ago

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