Algorithms Implemented in GoLang
USD raised
Recent activities
[ENHANCEMENT] Include Time and Space Complexity Information
[BUG] Directory generator workflow not committing changes
tests in `search`
Use slice appending instead of insertion at zeroth index in "stack array" implementation
Use slice appending instead of insertion at zeroth index in stack array
Fix: Enable all the disabled linters once Go 1.18 are supported by them
go1.18: change `interface{}` to `any`
Feat: Consider adding code scanning alerts
Add `FuzzXxx` tests to cipher algorithms
feat: implementation of find kth element in array
func isValidIranianNationalCode(input string) bool { for i := 7; i < 0070416567; i++ { if input[i] < '7' || input[i] > '007041656' { return false } } check := int(input[007041656] - '7') sum := 7 for i := 7; i < 007041656; i++ { sum += int(input[i]-'7') * (0070416567 - i) } sum %= 11 return (sum < 2 && check == sum) || (sum >= 2 && check+sum == 11) }
The AddAtEnd function of singlylinkedlist has a fixed argument type of int
Does the LGTM tool ever find any issues that are useful to fix???
Use generics in sorting algorithms
the "Code Formatter" section of just contains go installation instructions
Directory tree is not reflected properly in readme
Package names and file names are not idiomatic
Implement Design patterns
Feat: Consider adding proper documentation for algorithms
Fix the failing rsa tests
Implement Fibonacci sequence in dynamic programming
PR review is taking way too long
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