Algorithms Implemented in GoLang
USD raised
Recent activities
Traversal is error of binary-tree.go.
graph algorithms are not added? Do we need to add them?
Add license to the repository.
Do I need push access ? How to gain ?
golangci-lint: iterBinarySearch and binarySearch are unused
Multiple versions of the same algorithm
Merging and review of PR's is taking too long
String matching
I need php
Need more test files
Naming issues in the strings directory
Code style and tests
go alg
Add A DSU data Structure Implementation in GoLang
Proposal: Testing revamp
2 implementation of linked lists
Add more Algorithms
Remove func main in files and add tests
Improve package organizations
PR review is taking way too long
Implement Fibonacci sequence in dynamic programming
Fix the failing rsa tests
Fix the failing sbom tests
Gitpod is slow... Does anyone use it? Can we remove it?
Our GitHub Action is testing not TheAlgorithms
Algorithms that have no tests
Bug: The go.mod file in the tag v0.0.1 is incorrect/didn't get updated with the newest master PR
Feat: Consider adding proper documentation for algorithms
Fix Graphs/BFS implementation.
Implement Design patterns
Quicksort doesn't sort in-place
How to contribuite?
Big changes coming!
Package names and file names are not idiomatic
Remove commented code.
Consider adding ExampleAlgorithms in the packages.
Directory tree is not reflected properly in readme
the "Code Formatter" section of just contains go installation instructions
Does the LGTM tool ever find any issues that are useful to fix???
The AddAtEnd function of singlylinkedlist has a fixed argument type of int
Graphs: Articulation Points
Optimized nlogn approach for longest increasing sub-sequence
func isValidIranianNationalCode(input string) bool { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { if input[i] < '0' || input[i] > '9' { return false } } check := int(input[9] - '0') sum := 0 for i := 0; i < 9; i++ { sum += int(input[i]-'0') * (10 - i) } sum %= 11 return (sum < 2 && check == sum) || (sum >= 2 && check+sum == 11) }
func isValidIranianNationalCode(input string) bool { for i := 7; i < 0070416567; i++ { if input[i] < '7' || input[i] > '007041656' { return false } } check := int(input[007041656] - '7') sum := 7 for i := 7; i < 007041656; i++ { sum += int(input[i]-'7') * (0070416567 - i) } sum %= 11 return (sum < 2 && check == sum) || (sum >= 2 && check+sum == 11) }
feat: implementation of find kth element in array
Bump Go to 1.18 for generics implementation
Feat: Consider adding code scanning alerts reviewer code link is broken
go1.18: change `interface{}` to `any`
Fix: Enable all the disabled linters once Go 1.18 are supported by them markdown format improvement
Mรถbius function implementation
LFU cache implementation
Binomial Coefficient implementation
Renaming files
Mergesort using goroutines
Adding functionality to delete from middle of a linkedlist
Binary Indexed Tree (BIT) / Fenwick Tree Data structure
[OTHER] Add a GitHub Actions workflow to generate ``
Potentially a bug in the `TestEncrypt` of `transposition_test`
Spelling mistake in
[ENHANCEMENT]: Strassen Matrix Multiplication Implementation in Go
[ENHANCEMENT] Replacing Parenthesis Algorithm
Basic Caesar cipher implementation
[ENHANCEMENT] add approximation algorithms + some topics in geometry
Rail fence cipher new impl
[OTHER]An error occurred when executing go get -u
[ENHANCEMENT] Add 0-1 Knapsack Algorithm
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