Pathfinding plugin that gives bot the ability to go from A to B
USD raised
Recent activities
Having any goal outside renderdistance crashes the bot with NoPath
Bot getting stuck on 2 block gap if allowSprinting is false and allowParkour is true
Change movements.scafoldingBlocks to a set instead of an array
Pathfinding hangs indefinitely when obstructed by an unbreakable block
Took to long to decide path to goal!
Disabling a function
`bot.pathfinder.goto` sometimes never finish if goal is GoalNear and the block is not full height
Remove none vanilla physics behavior
node.offset is not a function when using GoalPlaceBlock
Bot will occasionally place blocks midair when it falls
setGoal doesn't work on goal_reached?
Sometimes got stuck
Certain scaffolding blocks not being used by mineflayer
Pathfinder timeouts when it does a double goal
the bot is not using blocks to reach the player
Add example about using `Movements` class
What does Movement.allowFreeMotion do?
Detect bot is not moving and reach other way
Pathfinder doesn't avoid lava
Suggestion: MaxDropDownToHaybale
Cant move through (not on) water
Request for example: GoalCompositeAll
Use only promise version of mineflayer methods
Pathfinder goes to last death position of target instead to new positions
Type Error: Cannot read property 'X' Of Null
Deep diving no path found
Add goal loop
Sprint jumping on straight paths
Actual move speed per block
Avoid mining blocks under sand and gravel
Add climbing vines support
Using doors
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