Pathfinding plugin that gives bot the ability to go from A to B
USD raised
Recent activities
Won't tower to correct Y level / Pathing
Cannot path when on soulsand without a block under it
Sprint usage
Buggy movement on snow
Event listener leak
Crash when die
Seemingly random crashes "Cannot read property 'y' of undefined"
Cost for placing blocks
Erorr on bot start
Implement async A*
Fails at parkour
Do not interfere with the operation of setControlState.
The value of thinkTimeout is not reflected.
Digging through blocks in >=1.2.0 is incredibly slow and unresponsive
Typo in API
TypeError: movements.countScaffoldingItems is not a function
Add github description and tags
Pathfinder cannot handle traveling downwards / Add a Waterbucket Option
Bot gets stuck in water if it tries to place a block under itself while Jumping/Swimming
Walking very slow....
Breaks block but the server doesn't register
Parkour 3 blocks one up fail
Crashes on die: blockLand.position.y TypeError: Cannot read property 'y' of undefined
Bots sometimes need to be hit in order for them to take the path they want?
No path to target block crash
QUESTION: Do bots no longer forget?
Wheat cannot be replaced when placing block (unlike grass)
EventEmitter memory leak
Example in and "multiple.js" doesn't work
Can not spam setGoal anymore
distanceSquared is not a function crash when the bot has to place/remove blocks
Gets banned on hypixel when trying to build
Add a "fall damage" cost or let us decide up to which health we want him to fall
Goto callback not marked as optional
GoalGetToBlock isEnd treats being at destination exactly as being adjacent
Example code Type Error
Remove dependency to mineflayer
Bot thinks it can jump over fences
The movement problem
MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected.
Is stuck at current position
Code Works just sometimes
After bot gets killed he returns to his death point and forgets their active follow goal
block.length is undefined
Can not handle nicks
Crash stateGoal.hasChanged not a function
Pathfinde don't want walk "over" wheat
Pathfinding up 2 blocks has wrong cost function
pathfinder is not defined returns the dimension the bot logged on instead of the current one
Not moving when goal set
CRASHING after update
Example code missing )} at the end
Bot should backtrack/find other path when stuck
Typescript does not account for event bot.on('goal_reached')
Bot going back and forth, "visibility" issue?
Using bot.pathfinder.goto, get an error quite often
Wrong work GoalCompositeAll
1.17 update causing constant crashes
Ability to set a goal for breaking/placing blocks
getMoveParkourForward cannot jump over none safe blocks forward and down on block
In 1.17 server mineflayer-pathfinder works after respawn
Bot gets stuck on blocks
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