The app behind the Open Technology Fund
USD raised
Recent activities
Add setting to turn on/off the "invited to proposal" e-mail to applications
When reviewer setting not in use revert ReviewerSubmissionDetailView permissions to old behaviour
Remove PII view from AC members
Modify post-submission landing page until 30th of April.
Add Add disclaimers/legal language to Login page
Create a "concept note" feature that goes before the funds
Automatically add Wagtail system required field when creating new application forms
Automatically add required field when creating new application forms
Stop making "project duration" field required by Wagtail system
Single Button Apply Review Forms
Segment AC within each fund
Rebuild the submission/all table in React
Always show filters on submission tables
Automatically create new rounds
Make React/Node optional
Make it possible to set reminders in the React app
Allow to change screening (thumbs up/down) when sub screening choices have been made
Improve performance of right side column content in the React app
Ability to filter the React app by category question
Ability to collapse left/right columns and header in the React app
Ability to set meta terms and filter by them in the React app
Make the selected screening option bold in the React app
Make React app filter do OR instead of AND search
Show number of returned results on submission table filtering
How to best show notification in the app?
What task based views of submissions is needed and what should they show?
Automatically generate summary text for an application
Staff flag requires two clicks to undo and undo isn't actually undoing
User and staff flagged view are not working, template assumes React app present
Ability to filter by staff and personal flags in the submissions all page
Create an application summary view
Rename Screening status to Screening Decisions (confusing with Workflow status/state)
Ability to hide all texts about "Deadline", use rounds only for internal grouping
Add category questions as filters on submission table view
Changes/enhancements to the all submissions react page
News page raises 500 error due to pageurl gets '' instead of page
Rename branch master to main
Encrypt sensitive fields in db
Mailgun error leads to server 500 error, should be handled more gracefully
Changes to Reviewer Settings and expected behavior
Add automation options within a fund to define conditions for automatic status changes
For reviewer dashboard, add an "All Submissions" listing
Add quadratic voting as an option for a fund
Create Hypha product website
New batch option: Send/Save draft determination
Send notifications on important statuses for funds and rounds
Auto create new rounds every x period settings on funds
Screening applications in 3 panel view
Changes to the review form rating streamfield
Tasks needed when Hypha repo is moved to Hypha organisation
[Meta] Make Hypha (only apply part) into a python package on pypi
In remit list of public application data
Add read/unread to communication messages for the assigned lead and add a new dashboard list of applications with unread communications
Ability to perform a batch action on all matching applications, not just the current paged list (ie more than 25 shown applications)
Ability to add a communication for all selected applications via a batch action
Add a batch action for adding/removing staff flag and personal flag
Merge the two file upload field type in to one.
Ability for the email addresses of consenting applicants to be sent to 3rd party services for email campaigns
For determination form fields, add an option that makes a field only visible for the team/staff role
Meta issue for connecting screening, common determination messages, and determinations
On the submissions page "All Rounds and Labs" listing, add % Screened
Create an honorarium feature
Automatically add id=#header-title's to all application fields in the application and on hover, show a link icon
Add a batch action to "add communication" for all selected applications
For the % determined in round overviews, add in parenthesis the number of determined against total, ie (##/###)
Reset cloudflare cache when rounds open/close
Implement mailgun API for e-mail address validation
Meta Issue: Salesforce Integration
For review forms, create an option somewhere for form editors or admins to set the "Recommendation" field options
Add the field group ability to review forms
Structured Questions in Determination Messages
Drag & Drop Text Snippets
On requests/open call pages and applications, expose and display the date/time of last revision that links to revision history (without logging in)
Allow "team admin" role to see staff on the review leaderboard
As a user reviewing an application, I want all links to youtube, twitter, and Instagram, etc to be replaced with privacy preserving links
Link or URL is not visible and accessible when added to website project page
Add one final report option to reporting feature in project management tab
On the submissions all page, provide the list/detailed view options like we have in rounds.
Regarding django-extensions and more-itertools
Input field size should match word limit
When user chooses "Add budget detail" but doesn't complete options, they can still submit.
Submit application even when applicant has exceeded word limits in narrative questions
Word limit error prevention
Is it possible to change slug, workflow, title on a fund?
A way to accept extra submissions to a closed round
Encryption at rest, how?
Create a db flowchart for Hypha
Add the ability to split an application into multiple pages
A single application with fields exposed at later stages of review workflow
Proposed changes to reminder function
The option for an applicant to make everything they see publicly visible
Send an automated summary of a rounds activity to all undetermined applicants
Send an automated message to all applicants in a round after a round has closed
Refactor Dashbord views to remove redundancy and make easier to understand
Allow applicants to see basic information about all other applications
Applicants can not save their proposal drafts
Ability to archive application forms that are associated to past rounds.
When editing an active round's application, an option to save changes to the original/master application
Add the ability for the copy to clipboard function to include any user content
Bulk status change appears not to be working
Submission names are displaying as 'undefined' on batch actions
Waiting for your review on dashboard should show a total number
'Closed' rounds copy on Dashboard
Add the ability to preview the application before submitting
Add fancy new duration or date widget to application form
Data retention features
HMW offer filtered views that can be saved and shared amongst the team?
HMW enable staff to unassign themselves from reviews?
User unable to send need more information determination in Ready for Determination status
New projects created in the webapp notifications should appear in slack channel for new projects
Address information in the project approval form should not be mandatory
"Show All" button in Dashboard not directing to intended purpose
QA Application Forms
Project feature should have delete and edit functionalities
Assign reviewer and partner roles with mobile browser
Stakeholder Interview Prep
Applicant cannot edit when in More Information Requested status
Ability to customize Funds description beyond "Open"/"Closed"/"Next deadline"
Capture 404 from S3 to Sentry
Order by last update added over 4s to the query time on SubmissionsTable views
Set timezone to UTC to avoid summer time
All Reports Table
Only save new version of files when they have actually changed
Document deleting Sections or Questions from Round Applications
Change default privacy of reports
CSS - reduce font size of dashboard
No way to remove reviewer once assigned
New file versions created on status update, adding parter etc.
Submission Stuck on More Info Required & Unable to Receive Revisions
Additional deployment options for production use
Rebuild determination forms to be staff created with stream fields
Integrate with 3rd party payment and accounting software to automate payments and reporting to projects/managers
Automate the publication of a new project/fellow/etc on the website after a contract has been signed.
Ability for applicants and approves to digital sign a contract within the application
Add the ability to collect digital signatures from needed stakeholders through workflows
Create developer, deployment, and end-user documentation
Introduce concept of an organisation so that multiple people can interface around a single projects application, payment, and reporting workflows
Allow a manager to define a payment/invoice structure or plan, apply it to an open project, and then automate notifications around the defined plan/workflow
Create in-app workflows for an external finance department to engage with payment requests
Ability for managers to create a reporting template/workflow, apply that to an open project, and monitor the progress/reports.
Ability to manage contract extensions in a structured way
For PAFs, allow for template content to autofill specific fields content for, for example âHow does the project fit within OTFâs remitâ so PMs donât have to rewrite
Ability to flag a payment request as having sensitive data/information
Allow for line items in payment requests
Hide the javascript warning from the spam stopping feature
Add links to form on the wagtail admin fund page as have been done on the rounds page
Improve submission comment visibility interface
Project List View
Revision View - bring back formatting
Staff dashboard: project table enhancements
For New Projects, New Project Email Spike
Field group wagtail admin ui and nested field groups
Dashboard OTF Staff: Dashboard - Update project table
Implement revisions for reviews on each edit.
Make it possible to lock meta categories so only super admins can edit
Changes to the Meta category Selection interface, Meta Categories admin interface and term edit page
Migrate all the content from the old system
Check if mailgun can have limits to catch bad e-mailing (many duplicates)
Reimplement Application form fields grouping using streamblock
Add an Open/Closed value to the Projects and Fellows page templates
Redirect public login to apply login within the app
Add a "archived" flag to all categories and allow it to be set via wagtail admin
On the communications tab, provide a filter for comments by visibility and type
Added partners don't persist to invited applications
Add a "Require MFA" option to the groups setting page
Extend Wagtail embed field to support Google Doc
Add the ability to more safely accept unsafe file attachments in submissions
Ability to have a customized view of Rounds on the dashboard and submissions tabs
Improvements to standalone forms
Allow the role team to change the visibility setting for submission comments
Implement the django-registration package
Offer a post final determination survey to applicants to complete to capture their feedback on the workflow
Add print, export to (pdf,csv,json) buttons on all submission pages
Let's enable's user feedback form on crash errors
For all text fields, present a warning that their response is long to the applicant when they approach 800 characters and a warning that their response is to long when they approach 1000 characters
Ability to tag or @ team members, reviewers, etc in communication comments, that sends a notification to the person
Make the Addressfield only require reguired fields if the Adressfield is itself required
As a manager, the ability to customize all automated notification templates (confirmation emails/slack/signal for applications, submission responses, etc)
As an applicant, I'd like the ability to start an application, login, and then be returned to the application form after logging in from within it
As a visitor, I'd like to access the website through a .onion address, without any loss of functionality
As a applicant/reviewer/manager, the ability to control when and how notifications are sent to me throughout all workflows
As a manager, I want the ability to use default/provided workflows, modify them, or create new workflows from scratch for funds/labs
As a manager, creation of sub-pages for the Results page, auto populating monthly reports and other content (specific articles) as needed
Create a "Issue Contract" form, that combines the stock contract template with PAF information to create a draft contract for review, issuing, and signing
Design and build a dynamic listing for the Alternate funding sources page on fund.otf, where the user can filter based on defined criteria
When viewing an application, ability for users to submit a comment (a communication) that is associated to each response section
As a reviewer, ability to sign a 'Reviewer Agreement" that I agree to each year or upon change to the agreement text, else I can not view/review applications
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