The app behind the Open Technology Fund
USD raised
Recent activities
Make it possible to have required fields in file groups
Allow application form makers to set word counts for text fields and then display how many words are left to applicants
Federation between instances
Payment request table and detail page
Error in the submissions-by-round-react-app
Wagtail admin round page, review form links have wrong path
On the wagtail admin round page make it easy to see what rounds are closed vs open
Improve memory usage in SubmissionOverviewView, SubmissionListView and SubmissionsByRound
Edit Note Section in Detailed View
Peer review workflow (applicants reviewing applicants)
Remove/generecize includes on homepage
Note Section in Detailed View Does Not Like Me
Word Limits on Applications
'submission.executionActionError' is missing in props validation
Users logged in via Google can not access django-admin, to many redirects
Restore determination draft feature
Order reviews on users dashboard by priority, need reviews etc.
Add help link field in addition to help text on application form stream fields
Make it possible to add reminders to submissions
For all text fields, present a warning that their response is long to the applicant when they approach 800 characters and a warning that their response is to long when they approach 1000 characters
Project detail view: Create project page
Application Detail Page: Create project from accepted submission
Make "internal" the default option on comments
Check if mailgun can have limits to catch bad e-mailing (many duplicates)
Various pages have text not color contrast accessible
Can't add partners in a mobile browser (Chrome + Android 10)
Tasks needed when git repo renamed to "hypha"
Update the region scheme to the UN scheme and update all submissions accordingly
Add application form in wagtail should retain information from previous application
META: OTF specific code in OTFWebApp that should be made generic
Add front end numbers next to names to show primary and secondary reviewers
Open attachments like PDFs in-browser by default, not auto download
Provide the same visibility options available for comments to authors of reviews and determinations
Staff dashboard: project table enhancements
Staff assignment view to see staff current workload
As an approved applicant, ability apply for an OpenCollective page or associate my existing OpenCollective to my project page
As a manager, ability to view which countries, technologies, and other themes an application relates to via automated text analysis
As a public visitor, the ability to post comments on articles that are actually on our Discourse site (
Provide a template for participants to use for drafting their responses (offline or outside the app) so that they arenât forced to copy and past form field titles manually
Provide indicative information to applicants about length of process
Add id's to the section elements on fund, lab, and submissions so that users can link directly to them
When on the all reviews page, have the reviewers names hover over the top of the page so that viewers can see/know which reviewer is saying what
If a fund specific slack channel is defined and the slack bot is not in the defined channel, do something to let the team know they need to invite the bot to the defined channel or have the bot autojoin the channel if possible
As a manager, I want a straightforward way to assign reviewers submission (team and ac) based on areas of specialism
As an applicant/reviewer/manager, ability to identify if a comment is in response/associated to a specific application revision
As a manager on a mobile device, I'd like a dynamic way to select which columns of the submissions overview to display
Ability to link accounts and person pages and submissions to project pages
Add filter on submission overview to filter by the 'traffic light'
Add more visual separation to sections of the form to support usersâ sense of progress
When a screen status is set for a submission, remove the button "Screen application" button from "Actions to take", and add a smaller link in the "Screening status" box for "Change status"
Add a generate random password option when creating a new user, as a replacement to putting a password in
Update to Django 2.2.x
As a manager, ability to undo previous actions in a workflow or on content, or revert back to previous states for proposals
Create daily cron that subscribe consenting emails collected from applications to otf-announce and newsletter
Connect the email from webapp to mailgun api to get delivery confirmation or error for all emails sent out (and make the status visible on app pages)
Ability for team/reviewers to get notification of activity on flagged applications they are interested in following
As an applicant, ability to submit collaborative applications with multiple people/entities
As a manager, ability to create Project or Fellow function for approved applications from the application page
As a manager/reviewer, ability to quickly/easily rate (5 star?) reviews and determinations (without leaving the page) or from the reviews/info box within an application
As an applicant/reviewer, ability to reply to comment and determination notifications via email/slack/signal (with attachments)
As an applicant/manager, ability to include non-mandatory and confidential "Demographic information" with an application
As a manager, ability to associate the OTF team member who's managing funds, labs, and projects to be publicly shown so on those pages
The ability for a user to create a custom list of submissions they have access to by providing an option for them to flag/bookmark/follow it on the submission page. this list should show up in a new list at the bottom of their dashboard.
As an applicant, I'd like the system to remember relevant historic information related to a new application (based on previous applications and my profile)
As an applicant/reviewer, ability to add comments from submission response/determination screens
Ability for anyone who has permissions to read a review or determination to submit a comment in reference to that review
As a reviewer and manager, the ability to set annual activity expectations/goals and see progress towards those
As an applicant, the ability to receive notifications by email, Signal, or from within the webapp
As a general user, ability to enable/disable/set notifications by medium (receive via email or Signal)
As an applicant, ability to send and reply to comments via messaging channels (email or Signal).
As a manager, ability to receive and reply to comments via messaging channels (email, Slack, or Signal).
As an account holder, ability to add and verify my email, Slack, or Signal account to receive notifications/messages.
Allow users to create an applicant profile with information that is pre-filled in when they apply
Introduce concept of âQuestionsâ that can form part of a participantâs application. OTF staff should be able to ask a question and the response is added to the application in a structured way outside of the broader communications flow
Create a notification settings, that specifies where an user wants to get activity notifications
Ability to deploy heroku review apps using either repo test data or a teams private test data
As an applicant, for each form element on an application, I'd like the ability quickly view links to more information, ask for help if I don't understand the question, and provide feedback on how to improve the question.
As a visitor, ability to view website and apply with the Tor Browser w/o any loss of functionality
Expose for editing/review all user profile fields in both apply and admin
Ability to start a threaded conversation on any communication, just like slack.
As a manager, I want a straightforward way to share application information with colleagues
Saved Draft Determination Suffers From Ennui
Create unique slack channel for comment notifications
Add a Partners section to funds/labs that allows a manager to select users in the group Partner to associate with that fund/lab
Make the "last updated" date in submission/all table be the last commented date if it's later that submission last updated.
For all users in the role Staff and Reviewer, show the total number of reviews ever submitted, the total number of reviews submitted this calendar year, and the total number of reviews submitted the previous calendar year
Visible for users in the role Staff, create a "Reviewer leaderboard" over AC reviewers
External "Leads" assigned to round or lab that gets staff permissions for related submissions
Filter errors sent to Sentry
As a manager/reviewer, easy way to view all reviews I've (or another user) has completed
As a reviewer/manager, visibility of any other related submissions or information linked to an applicant and current application
Create an interface for storing pre-defined determination messages and the interface for applying them to a single or multiple submissions
As an applicant/reviewer, autosave functionality of applications, reviews, and submission responses, etc
Create a view of projects and fellows by geographic location (the map of where our support is going idea)
As a manager, the ability to require specific oauth provider for privileged accounts as well as 2fa and allow applicants/reviews (everyone else) to use approved oauth providers and 2fa
As an applicant, I'd like the ability create drafts of applications (and create an account, if required)
As a manager, the ability to customize available options from global fields when displayed on application
As an applicant/reviewer, i want clear visibility of tips and information that will guide me in completing each section
As an applicant, I'd like to be provided with an approximate time-frame for next stages in the workflow
As a manager, ability to see information about visitors to the public website (analytics)
As an applicant/manager/reviewer, ability to link to specific communication elements (comments, submission responses, email notifications, etc)
As an applicant/reviewer/manager, ability to identify if a comment is in response/associated to a specific determination (submission response)
Ability for applicants to add (and invite if user doesn't exist) additional users (applicants) to edit/view an existing application
Ability for team to edit/delete a determination msg with an option to not re-send the applicant notifications
Add broad statistics to each fund to help users understand what type of work gets funded
Ability to sort/view/filter users by active/inactive and role
For each fund or lab, add a field in the form for the guide url. If exist, display a button on the fund/lab page as well as the application with link.
Remove sections of the determination form that don't have any text from the email that goes to applicants
Make it possible to select which meta categories show in submission filter
Add a meta categories filter to submission/all view
Remove subheadings in determination e-mails that has no content
Include administrator setting on user update notification
Improve the file upload widget
That ability for a team member (lead) to define submission-specific questions that reviewers are asked to respond to, in addition to the pre-defined review form.
Side-by-Side Compare Revisions [Medium/Improvement]
Create an API endpoint for submission meta data, that includes fields in Meta (including screening status), and terms in Apply>Category Questions
Implement access to the API via a token, create a new role that have permission to manage tokens
django-storages 2.0 will no longer default to public-read
Submissions in state approved need to editable by applicants but also need to end up being "locked" in a final state
API: Deployment and config
API: Tests
Review the data retention of new apps services and be sure the privacy policy and data policy are in-line, change as necessary.
Account cleanup
As a manager, ability to create a short link ( for any page using the api and view link metrics on the page
Give reviewers access only to submission that have reached an "AC review" state or higher
Ability to choose lab page for a new person type (ac member) to associate them as a reviewer for that lab
Improvements to 2FA workflow and UI
The ability to reply to notification emails/signal/slack messages without having to go to the site
Add a clone/copy function on the admin/funds/applicationform/ listing to create a new application based on a previous one
On the projects listing page, list only the active projects sorted newest to oldest by default and bring back the filters we had on the old site
Create a standalone view/index page for person type fellow that sits under the results section
API: Proposed messaging extensions
The ability to resend determination messages (or any associated notifications for an action)
On a round page, add a function for staff to automatically assign staff reviewers to applications in the state "Internal review" for apps with less than 2 assigned reviewers
As a manager, I want the ability to provide more clear direction to the specific sections of my application that feedback relates to
As a reviewer, I'd like the ability to leave feedback about specific aspects of a submission
As a manager, I want an easy way to see how much money was requested in total for a specific round or time period
As a manager, I want to see the total number of concept notes and their total value within a defined time range, fund, etc
As an applicant, I'd like the ability to start an application, login, and then be returned to the application form after logging in from within it
As an approved applicant, ability to "Request Payment" for an open contract assigned to me
Hide the javascript warning from the spam stopping feature
Rename main app from "opentech" to "hypha"
Nodejs deprecation: MakeCallback with domain property
Create a contributor/developer guideline, standards, and practices doc(s)
Production settings cause static files to be stored in /staticfiles/, not /static/
Rebuild determination forms to be staff created with stream fields
Dashboard OTF Staff: Dashboard - Update project table
Project Detail document upload: Select from submission
Simplify Project Page
Uploading Contract
Create payment request
Additional deployment options for production use
Submissions are NOT automatically moving from internal review to ready for discussion
New file versions created on status update, adding parter etc.
As a manager, an automatic draft of public/board/ac aggregate monthly report generated from recently submitted project/fellow reports
Allow the logo and newsletter title to be set in site settings
Footer text changes only update the apply pages not public pages
Can't change applicant details in proposals
PR List View
Staff Dashboard: Approver Role: Projects to approve table
Project Overview page
Project List View
Dashboard OTF Staff: Stats block
Payment request feedback and vary amount paid
Checkbox styling on receipt delete
Staff dashboard: Payment requests summary table
Project Detail View: Assign Lead
Project detail view: Linking activity/ existing model comms to project
Application Detail Page: Copy relevant submission fields from accepted submission
PAF Page: Make PAF Page
Project Detail: PAF Doc Upload - Upload new doc
Application Detail Page: Create project when accepted determination sent
'Show more' on Project page
PAF Doc upload: Document categories
Send to director doc confirmation
Flag to disable project creation
Removing Files
Payment request - OTF review and actions
Allow the role team to change the visibility setting for submission comments
Add migration to update regions on all submissions
DIFP Workflow Status Reverts
Change Determination Text to "Need More Information"
Project detail view: Action send to Approver (Director)
When I add a file to be uploaded, nothing visible happens or confirms that files will be uploaded when I hit submit
Ensure that system doesn't crash when mailgun not set
Make big tables and long links etc fit within the layout
Provide visitors the ability to enable a snowflake proxy
As a manager, I want the ability to move any submission between any fund types (and thus rounds)
When a page is updated or deleted in wagtail, send a cache delete request to CDN via api (cloudflare)
Long running sql queries SubmissionOverviewView and SubmissionListView
FE General Review and Tidy
Project detail: Funding stats and payment requests FE
Detail view supporting documents component FE
Dashboard stats FE
Director Approval
Project detail applicant view: Success messages
Simplified Submission FE
Sprint 1 - tidy and deployments
Modal Form Inputs are Missing
Automatic creation of projects
Style Progress bar in projects
Generate simplified submission pages
Project detail page in progress state
PAF page: custom fields
Project detail page payment request table FE
Applicant dashboard: Addition of projects
CSS - reduce font size of dashboard
Editing old blog posts with images causes the images to disappear once updated
Submit a report
Can save a report as draft
Report table on project page
Marking report as skipped
Adjust frequency of reporting
Allow private and public content of messages
Receive reminders when reports are due
Can view a submitted report
OTF staff can edit a submitted report
Updates to project tables
Remove the global activity feed, not used by staff
Make reviewers field on fund/rounds taller so more text lines are visible
Report Page FE
Skip report FE
Project Page FE
Change frequency FE
Detail Page FE
Make PrivateMediaView use FileResponse instead of StreamingHttpResponse
Remove code no longer needed from Django 2.1.x in ImageFieldBlock
All Reports Table
Set timezone to UTC to avoid summer time
Order by last update added over 4s to the query time on SubmissionsTable views
Add setting for page size, used for PDFs
Download submission and PAF information as PDF
Use js-cookie lib for all js cookie functions
Add views for meta tags
Partners should no longer be able to write reviews
Copy clone round in Wagtail admin error
Unauthenticated Project and Submissions Views
Project Detail view: Move project into closing and closed states
Payment request - finance notify and view
Completed Reviews Appear on Team Member Dashboard
Revise WebApp Workflow Documentation
Delay in slide down on submissions listing page
Make user flags available to reviewers
Remove ability to write reviews from partners
Capture 404 from S3 to Sentry
Add filter for active/inactive/all to rounds admin page in wagtail admin
Add some stream field values to submission csv export
Create a help widget tied to the Q&A sections on we.otf that allow for a live search > answer field on (like search bar on we.otf)
Create a help/feedback widget that floats along the bottom of the page
Batch functionality on submissions error on notifications
Allow rounds to be "flagged" to show up on a current view in wagtail admin
Reviewers do not get a link to their own reviews
Unable to create project page if no address
Applicant cannot edit when in More Information Requested status
Update Django to 2.2.x and Wagtail to 2.7.x
Unable to create project approval form
CSS - reduce size of project form
Remove sensitive information from determination and comments e-mails
Generate static version of the public site
Show a users group/role next to the name
Recreate the Project Approval Form (PAF) with new requirements
Create a "Issue Contract" form, that combines the stock contract template with PAF information to create a draft contract for review, issuing, and signing
As a manager, ability to have a dedicated page within the Updates/News section that auto-publishes the OTF Today newsletter
As a manager, ability to give appreciation to other team members at any given time
Create a stand alone page/form that allows someone to sign up to the OTF-Announce list (google group) and Newsletter (mailchimp)
Modify the default application view to reduce identifying information
Enhancement to Upload Widget
Investigate how to incorporate broader community and/or public feedback for applications
Add a user field for discourse username
Implement a real/full set of tests for critical aspects for testing and go live env
We need to choose one WYSIWYG and remove the other, discuss!
As a reviewer, within the review interfaced I'd like guidance available on how much detail is required in my feedback
As an applicant/reviewer, I'd like clearly available guidance on the level of detail needed for each section of an application
Implement the Learning Lab Page by uracreative
Modify email template sent to individual reviewers when app is set to "council review"
Submission stat page
Add more clear information about what project costs OTF will and wonât fund during apply or in the guide
Tie together we.otf (discourse) and fund.otf (wagtail) so that discourse is the comment/community system for pages on fund.otf
Review of current site and documentation
Review current analytics set up
UX review: submitting a concept (as an applicant)
UX review: reviewing a concept (as staff)
UX review: amending a concept (as an applicant)
UX review: submitting and amending a proposal (as an applicant)
UX review: Reviewing a proposal (as staff)
UX review: contracting (as project)
UX review: Payment request (as project)
UX review: Payment request (as staff)
User interview prep
Stakeholder Interview Prep
Rename opentech django app to hypha
As a manager, i need a quick/better way to provide the compliance team with the information they need
UX review: role play run through of application process with PD
Enable staff role to view draft determinations
Correct salutation in e-mail notification regarding partners to applicants
Wysiwyg editor creating incorrect relative URLs
UX review: role play with PD to simulate submitting and reviewing a concept in real time.
Project Interviews
403 Error while updating an application
Comment consisting of only numbers (int) is valid json but should be treated as string
Legal Name on Project Approval Form
Update select2.multi-checkboxes.js to work with django-select2 7.2.0
Automatic update status from screening to internal review doesn't always work
Address information in the project approval form should not be mandatory
Project Interview Analysis
Update Project Interview Script
Staff Interview Analysis
Internal UX review analysis
Overall Interview Analysis
Remove Travic CI integration, we have Circle CI that tends to run faster
Edit the current 'notes' channel to only reflect team notes
Add the ability for application, review, and determination forms to accept PGP encrypted text and then to be viewed by managers via Mailvelope
Make address field on application projects not required
Update test suite and make more robust
Reactivate Compliance Link Spike
Only allow positive numbers in "Requested Funding" field on submissions
Written reviews are deleted during batch action review assignments
Persons assigned to write reviews are removed or replaced during batch action
Project Management can not upload additional documents
Make needed changes for django-tables2 2.2.x
User unable to send need more information determination in Ready for Determination status
"Social image" feature doesn't work
HMW better communicate the next steps the user has to take?
HMW improve the way supporting documents are added to applications?
HMW Improve filters and the dashboard to make it easier for staff to prioritise and take action?
HMW communicate the number of reviewers assigned to an application at the overview level?
HMW enable staff to unassign themselves from reviews?
HMW automate communication when deadlines are missed?
HMW Improve the intuitiveness of current functionality and remove technical bugs?
HMW offer filtered views that can be saved and shared amongst the team?
Send to compliance
Payment request - edit
Turn browser spell check support on
Detailed View in WebApp is not functioning
Better date and time formats, and use them consistently.
Add countdown & deadline on application pages
Hyperlinks should open in new windows from the Application form
Bad links on the IFF Application page
Add the ability to "save application for later" or download application to work offline
Add the ability to download the application in a text format
Reduce and remove any tracking scripts
Allow multiple applicant users to edit an application
Waiting for your review on dashboard should show a total number
Submission names are displaying as 'undefined' on batch actions
Bulk status change appears not to be working
When no payment requests are assigned to a OTF staff member the summary card should not show the view label
Updates to robots.txt for "public" project and PR pages
Regenerate Links for compliance
Automate project progression into closing state
Add section to display news Page puff on Homepage
Revise approved/invite to proposal email text and hyperlink
Add the ability for the copy to clipboard function to include any user content
Add the copy to clipboard to the bottom of the page, right justified in line with the apply botton
On OTF apply pages, why is the guide and clipboard right justified?
Developer Onboarding - Torchbox on board Pete Andrew
Better Communicate Actions: Screen Applications
Better Communicate Actions: Assign Reviewers
Better Communicate Actions: Add a review
Better Communicate Actions: Update Status
Better Communicate Actions: Add determination
Better Communicate Actions: View determination
Ability to delete application forms that are not associated to a round or a fund.
When attempting to delete a round with submissions, 500 error. Catch that and present the user a warning that they can't do that.
Documentation - Continuation of docs
Applicants can not save their proposal drafts
New activity notification banner doesn't go away unless a hard refresh happens
Refactor Dashbord views to remove redundancy and make easier to understand
Change how we screen applications, make it easier
As a manager/reviewer, ability for team members to suggest/flag applications that might be of interest for other managers/reviewers to know about
Update live Heroku environment to Postgres 12
Add cookie consent option to the core app
Changes to Partners... was the ability to create a one-time review link to post review without needing to login
Add the ability for users to add multiple single text fields in response to a question, e.g. multiple URLs
The "All Rounds and Labs" table is hidden in version 1.34.0
Improve the content output of the "copy questions to clipboard" function on fund pages
Clearly indicated that the required field within a nested field group is not allowing an application to submit
Add a batch delete function to the all submissions view
Cloudflare cache clear API call fails with Authentication error
Delete button for Fund in wagtail admin should not show if there are related rounds
How does it work when changing workflow a fund that has rounds?
Status changes not applied when batch update reviewers
Remove rule behavior of moving submission with one review to internal review
Add 'Request More Information' option to 'Read for Determination' status
Submission title show as "undefined" in batch dialog
Pagination of the application form
Clean db value data and use db function for result calculation
Confirmation text extra on funds and labs are not added to the confirmation e-mail
Add the Fund/Lab confirmation_text_extra to landing pages.
Remove automated notifications about new proposals ready for AC review in IFF & CIF
Upgrade to Wagtail 2.9.x
Allow drafts to be saved without filling in required fields
Regarding django-extensions and more-itertools
Add tests for review_workflow_actions and set_status_after_reviewers_assigned
On detailed view, provide an option to set/change screening of applications
Change default sort on reviews leaderboard page to last 90 days
On the round detailed/list view (the one with the notes), provide the same side bar with all the same options under the the "Status" tab as is in the submission's own page
On the round detailed view (react app), add the ability to filter on both status and screening.
Leave blank to use the default Category label function is not working
Child pages of Labs incorrectly show a "CLOSED" header, where there should be nothing.
Ability to filter for applications w/o a screening status on the all submissions page
Update React packages to latest version
Remove all Internet Explorer 11 support
Slim down the React app if possible
Remove default hard coded "notify" channel from funds.
Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to all needed links with target _blank.
Use button tag for all submit buttons, some are now input.
Make output from textfields of type url/e-mail render as links
For review forms and the score field, ability to exclude the text field (only include the rating/scoring field) and/or ability to have it collapsed by default.
Left align the "See help guide for more information." text
For review forms and the score field when marked required, do not make entering text into the text box required but do make submitting a score required.
Setting for Salesforce Integration
On the react interface, add "Determination" and "Review" buttons
On the application listings, on the same line as filters and search bar, present pagination options 25 (default), 50, and 100 per page and show how many of total applications is presented, eg "1-25 of 100".
Only included extra label tag for `checkbox_input` widget type
Missing migration in project
Rename all references to "AC Review" to "External Review"
Error Message When Sending Determination
Deprecation warning due to invalid escape sequences in python 3.7 and above
Replace deprecated @babel/polyfill
Require content checkbox on login
Add possibility to open any selection of submissions in the React app
3 panel group-listing dropdown filter does not apply
The email subject sent to reviewers is wrong when a batch action is used to promote multiple applications
If a user have staff and reviewer role they get an error when trying to submit review
Extend the Hypha style guide at "/styleguide"
Reviewer can access any submission by directly visiting the submission detail page
NPM install from package.json with deleted package-lock.json and clean npm cache
On some submission not possible to set screening status, the table say "Awaiting". No thumbs on detail page.
Website Internet Freedom Fund and Results Page
Add the ability to apply descriptors to Users/Reviewers so that OTF Staff can determine ideal reviewers for individual proposals
As a manager, have a check for passwords and emails via Pwned Passwords/emails v2 API with notifications on match and a page providing a report
As an approved applicant, ability to "Submit status" for an open contract assigned to me
As a manager, rewards for accumulated positive behavior based on set of individual accomplishments and recognition/appreciation from other team members (cookie jar)
Allow sub pages for labs and the ability to associate projects and requests to those sub pages
As an approved applicant, ability to submit a "Monthly Report" into the system via the web interface of an email and associated to the right open contract
As a manager, ability to invite an existing user or unknown user via email or signal message to complete a new travel support request form for approval along with associated trip report and reimbursement forms/workflows
Create a SSO backend that can tie together both we.otf and fund.otf
Ability to assign draft submission responses to other staff members for their review and edits
Ability for applicants to submit applications in other supported languages (and note which language they are submitting in)
Create a new content type, AC update, that emails AC members with new proposals for review and kicks off automated msgs
As an applicant, be able access information in my native language
As an applicant, the ability to easily export submission data from and import back into OTF's web app
Ability to have forms with multiple pages, field groups with headers, and conditional fields based on earlier choices
Create a tool to help people understand if they can get funding and which fund might be best for them
Make it easier/clearer on how the Advisory council can make their own applications for funding, something that isn't easy to do now
Night-mode theme, that inverts or uses colors more friendly to reading at night
Add tests to React submission all section with filtering
Rename branch master to main
Multiple proposal forms for Double stage funds do not show up on new stream form Determinations
Add category questions as filters on submission table view
User and staff flagged view are not working, template assumes React app present
Category question answers to not render if not "Multi select"
Show number of returned results on submission table filtering
In React app, scroll to top when switching submission
In React app, show submission title to middle pane instead of stage
Add flagging to the React app
Allow to filter for "no screening" in the React app like on the Django side.
Allow to change screening (thumbs up/down) when sub screening choices have been made
Add keyboard shortcuts in the React app
Ability to share a filter state of the React app via URL
Deleting wagtail pages leads to error in custom_wagtail_page_delete()
New generic field type to show more text on website
Errors in browser console running the React app
Revise "Duration" question in WagTail Application Forms
Empty Question Fields on Application Form
Remove items per page option from submission table filter
Remove jump menu from React app now that we have filters
Always show filters on submission tables
Assigning multiple leads within one fund
[OTF FInance workflow] Organise weekly meetings
Make content scollbars work in React app for Safari and Firefox
Add Add disclaimers/legal language to Login page
Modify post-submission landing page until 30th of April.
When reviewer setting not in use revert ReviewerSubmissionDetailView permissions to old behaviour
Create a interface on submission page that allows a team member to see and set meta categories
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