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Show error if run on a single file that's ignored #238
OmgImAlexis posted onGitHub
When using xo on a single file no errors are shown if said file is ignored in xo's settings.
ā agenda git:(master) DEBUG=xo xo test/fixtures/addTests.js
xo Using local install of XO. +0ms
ā agenda git:(master) mv test/fixtures/addTests.js .
ā agenda git:(master) ā DEBUG=xo xo ./addTests.js
xo Using local install of XO. +0ms
ā 1:1 Filename is not in kebab case. Rename it to add-tests.js. unicorn/filename-case
ā 2:3 Strings must use singlequote. quotes
ā 2:3 Extra space after key none. key-spacing