Digital timing diagram editor
USD raised
Recent activities
Web Integration via svg.wavedrom.com
Apple Silicon (arm64) macOS Release
narrower.js and narrower.js missing in editor.html
Not able to load any .JSON file in editor. Nothing happens after clicking load icon.
Question about node name
I want to control the color of the signal line
new release?
Spreadsheet / Grid style editor for Wavedrom
Support on MacOS
Additional option for scaling the single time-stamps
Would be great to have a release of aarch64 MacOS
Save dialog shows all file types
Blue line color not consistent
How to set fonts? E.g. size, types...
How to generate two clocks with different frequencies
Support Ascii extended
Add indicator in the wave for current in wave data
[Enhancement] Auto refresh of externally modified file
Integrate cli into editor release?
Wavedrom Editor (downloadable version) lacks some logical Operators
Please add a save button
Is it possible to increase node font-size?
can we add ctrl+s shortcut to save file for windows editor?
[Feature Request]Can wavedrom support below datasheet like timing?
Arrow text background size is too large
Clicking save save's the file twice
Issue of exporting SVG
[Feature request] Vim mode
Is there a reserved API interface for generating SVG files
Having trouble installing on Centos 7
check wavedrom schema before rendering
VCD to WaveDrom converter
Export PNG/SVG broken on Windows 10 v2.1.2x64
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