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Recent activities
Interface Bug Bash: hunt out bugs and resolve them
[FEATURE] Make Showcase Pages Reactive
Tasks are no longer draggable Sprint screen
Sprint IDs are consecutive across database, not per-user
Task Creation not working on Task Showcase Screen
Tasks can be added to non-existent sprint
Clarify Interactions - Feedback on "Add to Sprint"
Task Showcase - Rework "Plan Sprint" functionality
[BUG] Sprint number should be removed, replaced with "Sprint Starting $DATE" or "Sprint of $DATE"
[BUG] Add estimate on New Task Creation from Sprint Showcase
[ISSUE] Implement Unit Testing
[Bug] Sprint Showcase - Planned Tasks should appear before Recurring Tasks in schedule task screen
[FEATURE] Support for search function
[FEATURE] Sprint Showcase - Show if task has been scheduled on planned task screen
[FEATURE] Recurring items "Deadline" becomes "End Date"
[ISSUE] Sprint Showcase -> redesign so that tasks are added to day but not explicitly "scheduled" to an hour.
[BUG] Sprint Showcase: Scheduled Hours doesn't update when scheduling task
[BUG] Task Showcase - Number of Tasks doesn't update on Task Creation
all jase all the time
[BUG] "Active Sprint" Sprint Showcase doesn't create active sprint if needed
[ISSUE] Task Showcase: Allow editing of Epic Names
[BUG] Task Showcase: Inconsistent Calendar for Datepicker Items
[ISSUE] Sprint Start/End Dates should be handled Automatically
[FEATURE] Sprint Showcase - Task you are planning should carry through to Plan screen
[BUG] Task Showcase - Planned Tasks should show which sprint they are in
[BUG] - Task Showcase - Recurring Tasks Not Updating to One-Time
[IDEA] Header - Sprint List Available
[BUG] Sprint Showcase - Recurring Tasks cannot be scheduled
[FEATURE] - Delete Sprint Ability
[BUG] - Sprint List - Sprint Estimate not showing
[BUG] Sprint Showcase - Logging work on recurring task reschedules it
[BUG] Sprint Showcase - Only Integer-hours of work can be logged
[BUG] Task Showcase - New Task Deadlines can't be Edited
[BUG] Sprint Showcase not displaying recurring tasks
[FEATURE] Ability to close finished stories
[BUG] Task Showcase - Date Filtering Broken
[BUG] Sprint Showcase - Recurring Tasks don't show up right the first time
[Feature] Sprint Showcase - Epic Color should be displayed
[BUG] Sprint Showcase - Dragging Tasks is Broken
[FEATURE] - Support for archiving completed stories/tasks
[BUG] Sprint Showcase - Task Creation not working correctly (multiple issues)
[FEATURE] Task Showcase & Sprint Showcase - Sort tasks by deadline
[BUG] Logging work logs to task, not clear when work was completed.
[BUG] - Sprint Showcase - Pre-scheduled recurring tasks not working as intended
[BUG] - Sprint Showcase - Clicking "schedule specific note" of recurring tasks is broken
[BUG] - Sprint Showcase - Planned hours borked for recurring task
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