BullMQ - Premium Message Queue for NodeJS based on Redis
USD raised
Recent activities
How to use moveToFailed and moveToCompleted
Handle connection errors on startup
Configuration BullMQ
Method pause() removes all waiting jobs.
install using npm?
Error: EMFILE: too many open files
GCP Unknown Client Command
Discarded jobs stay in the same state
Pull next job from queue to process
Build fails due to BullMq import errors
Remove client property from QueueBaseOptions
Is it bad to have multiple instances of QueueScheduler running simultaneously?
Jests Tests Hanging
Dependency on @types/ioredis is redundant
What is rule of QueueScheduler?
Increasing connection and listener count
migration example
If the job data is `0` the value is lost
Global job history limits
QUESTION: Worker class generic type arguments
How do I only process Jobs with a specific name?
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED even if I specify AWS host and port
Repeatedly pausing a worker can cause it to starve the event loop
Update job options on the fly
Redis memory accumulates by job process return value
Discard or replace delayed job for a specific groupKey
Documentation: API Reference Page is blank
I start the serve by DEBUG=*, Then I see the output every seconds, is that ok?
Documentation : Delay in "Queues" page is misleading
[Feature request] add queue event enum
Unpredictable time for queue.add to complete
Will reschedule a failed/stalled job put it to the end of the queue?
Is there a way for multiple consumers?
Typescript Job.data attribute static typings
How to store jobs created to find them in a easy way ?
Worker can get caught in infinite loop when redis connection is closed unexpectedly
Port BullMQ to Deno
removeRepeatableByKey does not remove the next repeatable job
Repeatable jobs need serious work
Modify the way Error is displayed under FAILED tab
How to update progress of a job?
ioredis vs redis support
Question: Bullmq connection with redis cluster not added in types
Question: how to connect redis cluster using BullMQ ?
Build error with Timeout and 'semver' missing declaration
API Reference Documentation is empty
Proces one job at time
Sandboxed updateProgress()
tsc errors about a missing argument to resolve() in src/classes/child-pool.ts and src/utils.ts
How does bullmq ensure jobs arenât deleted by Redis evictions?
Debug cron that doesn't restart after Redis crash
@user_script:86: user_script:86: too many results to unpack
add jobs to queues without creating separate Queue object
Graceful shutdown handler
Doc: Wrong comment on code sample on documentation
client.moveToActive is not a function
[Feature request] Function to remove all jobs from Queue including Repeatable
Delayed and Repeatable parameters together in one Job not working
Concurrency inside of a given process
[Feature] Call Worker and QueueScheduler methods without launching the process
Wrong redis version recognition when using AWS ElastiCache
Intermittent lua error "user_script:28: attempt to compare number with nil"
What's the scenario when the same job will be executed more than once?
getJobs not returning all jobs in queue
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
Stalled job not requeued
TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt
Alternative to named processors?
Scheduler doesn't close it's connection
Repeatable jobs are duplicating due to "count" option field
[Question] Redis autopipelining
Job ID is not preventing duplicates?
CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot
Missing lock for job 1 finished
Build error related to latest version (v1.16.0)
JobFlow not registering names
Error: Retried job not failed
Order messed up?
Not remove failed jobs from queue
Vercel add Job : TypeError: client.addJob is not a function
wrong delay on Repeatable
TypeScript class declaration â superfluous generic parameter
Job#moveToCompleted on delayed job moves it to active
addBulk with multiple repeating jobs only enqueues one repeating job
Error: Missing lock for job 84 failed
token mandatory?
wrong return types for job.getDependencies and job.getChildrenValues
worker.close leaks connection
Worker Error Recovery
Add support for parent opts with addBulk
Flow task removed doesn't remove data relative
Workflows -- use case
Bull is not removing idle keys from Redis for completed/failed jobs
Feature request: non-blocking version of getNextJob
Add types for active event to QueueEvents
missing types for Worker event listeners
Vulnerable dependecy : lodash
Priority is illogical
Clarify timestamp in JobsOptions interface
Add duration property to completed jobs
[Interface change] attribute failedReason alter type to Object | string
Docs: wrong type used in sandboxed processors page
Dynamically change delay of the job
Flows not working if there are no children
Latest changelog not preset at https://docs.bullmq.io/changelog
FlowProducer: parent job does not contain dependencies if I set jobId
A better job.getState
Cannot read property 'returnvalue' of undefined in waitUntilFinished
whenCurrentJobsFinished reconnect arg
Pausing/resuming worker causes process to crash
Using the "prefix" option
Difference between job.discard() and job.remove()
getWorkers() includes workers for other queues with the same name prefix
How to wait children in manual processing?
[exiting] Fatal exception: Missing lock for job err
What happens if removeOnComplete is true but a job is repeating?
Dynamically add childJobs while the main job is running
Under what conditions does `finishedOn` property is null
Global concurrency || Optional filterable job names
repeat did nont remove whe set removeOnComplete:true
Flows - Ratelimiting issues
Promise rejection error in waitForJob
not work
How could i solve this? `job stalled more than allowable limit`
Request to update Docs - Cron Task
backoffStrategies not working
Support env variables when using sandbox mode
Changelog is not updated
[Flow] - waitUntilFinished of any children not fails when the job fails
working with serverless server
Workers stop processing jobs after Redis reconnect
Jobs failing due to stalling more than the allowable limit don't respect the retry strategy.
Queue stuck with jobs in "active" state for hours, and rest of jobs not being processed
RedisClient.waitUntilReady never resolves
Elasticache Jobs not always starting
Instantiating a queue is blocking the node process. How to add a job to a queue from a web process?
Redis connection error event handler is set ONLY after connection is established
Problem Rate-Limiting a Worker
Connection is closed
Is there a way to simulate SQS "group ID" ?
Flow: order of jobs
Implement TTL mechanism for jobs being processed
How to get jobs from getNextJob() continuously?
Only every other message is pulled from the queue
How to fail a Job
Debounce example is confusing / misleading
Add new sibling job in flow at runtime
Add types for event emitters
No event fired when Job added to Queue with no Worker
Adding multiple jobs at once?
[Question] await queue.add(`name`, data) what is the meaning of `name`
timeout still working?
QueueScheduler & QueueEvents make the test suite suspend
Redis ECONNRESET causes waitUntilReady to fail
QueueEvents needs to duplicate the connection if passed as option
Occasional error in QueueScheduler for repeatable jobs
Ordering Group Flow
TypeScript type for job status
delay should throw if its not a number
Job.moveToFailed fails in Cluster mode
waitUntilFinished hang if removeOnComplete is set without TTL
Jobs get error when using Redis Cluster
sandbox - stderr is not piped to parent process
Flows: Prefix always uses "bull"
Can't clean queue
Repeatable jobs, queue identical job
Repeatable jobs do not check for existence
Worker loop does not restore after redis disconnects
Handling lost connection error
ECONNREFUSED Error when adding Job to Queue
[HOWTO] Update repeatable jobs
Docs: wrong example 'Returning job data'
Bullmq connection issue docker
ChangeDelay does not work
Flows - passing returned data to the next job
prevMillis magically appearing field without any descriptive documentation
Bug: exception when job processing returns immediately
job moves to completed when receiving data but before processing it.
bullmq can't install in Node 16.x
Issue with upgrade from 1.50.1 to 1.50.2
Allow generating job ids via uuid4 by default
How to get full job id in worker's processor?
Redis Replication vs. Cluster
console.log used in child-pool's child.stdout.on adds extra newlines
flow doesn't work with worker's backoffStrategies
Flow + JobId usage creates "zombie" jobs
Connection settings should be mandatory
Graceful termination, closing queues and workers
Worker.close() won't take into account failed jobs
after update to 1.51.0,raise ReferenceError: updateParentDepsIfNeeded is not defined
[question] why type job.id is optional? isn's it fallback to default value when not provided by user.
Version 1.51.0 crashes with "updateParentDepsIfNeeded is not defined"
How exactly are we supposed to use QueueScheduler?
"updateParentDepsIfNeeded is not defined" still throwing on 1.51.1
Could you kindly add a section in your documentation on how to setup bullmq testing with Jest?
Repeatable Flows - only parent job get's repeated
Cannot obliterate non-paused queue
bullmq for ftp download file
Job property finishedOn is undefined
Rename main branch to main?
Flow job add new child job during runtime or on complete
Fix unstable tests
Job Chaining / Workflows
get status of the job
The count of completed job always is 1800
Emit 'cleaned' event on Queue.clean()
Intermittent Connection is closed error
Using Job Id breaks adding jobs to the queue
RFC: Script Loader
unexpected behavior: if worker process exit due to stalled, job will not get retried or moved to delayed, even if it has more attempts.
Mocha types are not included as part of bullmqs dependencies (But are needed?)
How to achieve Producer to Consumer(s) pattern? (Kafka like)
ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir
add default option values to api reference
problem with redis cluster
How to use `limiter` and `job#jobId` together?
[Feature Request] Worker Rate Limit without Duration
[Feature Request] Allow workers to pick up ioredis prefixes for ACL usage
bullmq@1.56.0: SyntaxError: Named export 'Queue' not found
Throw exception if trying to use a redis instance with a different eviction policy than "noeviction"
ECONNREFUSED on initial Queue creation
Clarify what happens when adding job with duplicate id
v1.57.4 client.moveToActive is not a function
bullmq@1.59.0: ScriptLoaderError: No .lua files found!
v1.59.1 client.moveToActive is not a function
Bug? - Error in processor permanently breaks entire queue
How to add Job to multiple queues atomically?
Can not add Queue in other queue
Question: is there any reason why the max stream length is set to 10.000?
Possible bug? Bullmq says my Redis version is <5.0.0 even though it isn't
Flow not executed if jobId option is set in parent
Full list of events?
Add a public method to Worker for starting polling job manually
Stalled/Failed Jobs Stay in Queue
Recommended Express integration
Queue job counts
Redis parser error - ReplyError: ERR timeout is not an integer or out of range
Support for an efficient "retry all" failed jobs
Improve the logic of "attemptsMade"
Provide state enum
[Feature Request] Proper pagination for `getJobs`
Webpack Production Build: paths is not iterable
I can't add the connection options with queue options at the same time in Typescript
Change in how repeatable jobs keys are stored on redis
`jobOpts.repeat.immediately` should work with cron
Irregular use of lowercase "returnvalue" in `QueueEvents` listener interface (Low Priority)
Support "removeOnComplete/Fail" based on time
High Concurrency Lock / Not In Active State Errors
waitUntillFinished throws error for failed jobs
Allow access to Job#queue
Flow doesn't follow Queue's default job options
Flow Job Delay Not Working
Question: Where come from `cmsgpack.pack` lua func?
Feature request: Including failed jobs in QueueEvents "failed"
Feature: Direct support for full redis URLs
Why can't the `volatile-lru` eviction policy be supported along with the `noeviction` policy?
Job.queueName is undefined in sandboxed processor
Removing a job does not remove it's children
On failed jobs, why does it show "Failed reason" is null
getJobCounts does not properly add default types to support omitting any type
Stream event keys in redis takes too much memory
Avoid console.error when unable to connect to redis
Add method to get existing Queue Schedulers on a particular Queue
Not used by Remix
Promote Job when limiter used
Retrying job when limiter used
Warn users that BullMQ is not compatible with Upstash
Add support for Node-Redis connection
Jobs are processing more than the max attempts
Why not create a FlowJob with parent id?
Checking for upstash introduces a bug
Support "steps" for processors so that long operations can be broken down in atomic ones
Add metrics/statistics support
Queue.getJobs may return duplicates
Fatal exception: TypeError: proc.send is not a function
*drained* event emitting on intermittent basis
BullMQ is interfering with process signal handling and prevents other graceful shutdowns (even when not running workers)
add child jobs to already existing parent job
[bug] memory leak if throw inside event listener
How do I log a job that has failed all retries?
Is there an ignoreLock option for moveToCompleted?
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: proc.send is not a function
Accept/reject jobs by job name?
Adding the same ID to wait list many times
Repeatable 1 hour interval not working
Add UTC option for repeatable job RepeatOptions
Retry does not work with flows
Recurring jobs sometimes run immediately when added to queue
cron expression error and cron job not working as expected.
When adding repeatable job, not all redis-connection.ts error event listeners are removed
Error: write EPIPE
Queue typings make no sense to me
function properties of a job data are not available in the worker callback
changeDelay does not update job properties to reflect new expected execution time
Job.createBulk doesnt not obey custom jobID
Error passing in ioredis v5 instance to connection
Stalled/failed jobs stay in queue
worker.close() does not handle process exit correctly
Scheduler stops after Redis reconnect
Feature: Support worker sharding using index keys
`getWorkers()` broken with v1.78.2- > v1.79.0 upgrade
WorkerListener generic
Undefined error when checking Redis Cluster connection for Upstash
job.moveToWaitingChildren never returns an Error
Missing lock for job error
Confusion Regarding Graceful Shutdown of Queue, Worker, and QueueScehduler
Repeatable docs code example error
Bug: Incompatible Workers Versions
RemoveRepeatable always returns null
Removing Repeatable job does not emit a `Removed` QueueEvent
[BullMQ Pro]: ERR Error running script (call to f_215bf405a5a0a694dae5966a9cd8b65f306174b5)
`Error: Connection is closed.` for shared connection
Add Bulk Fail Silently
connection is closed from QueueEvents
Queue error: Connection is closed.
bullmq with redis cluster error
Acknowledge removal of job with removeRepeatable
BullMQ reusing redis connections
How to notify queue that stalled job is still in progress?
Migrating from Bull when using sandboxed and named processors together
TypeError: Invalid Version: undefined
Jobs are always stalling in Redis
Getter test 'gets only workers related only to one queue' inaccurate if connection = new IORedis()
Question: Repeatable jobs are not executed at all
Feature-Request/Change the number of concurrent processes
Is there event for reaching rateLimit by groupKey?
Lost listener event?
How to use Worker with typescript processor file?
stalledInterval when set to 0, returns redis error
Missing 'added' Events for Multiple Queues
repeat option is ignored when using "defaultJobOptions"
Job delay and jobId
How to fast forward days for testing purpose
BaseJobOptions is missing timeout property in v1.86.2
Comprehension question: Multiple API servers with repeatable jobs
Can we make queue.close() quick?
Manual processing of jobs, grabs 2 jobs from waiting state
Queue Scheduler doesn't close its redis client
RemoveOnComplete: [number] per job, not supported or not working?
Typescript: discriminating worker
Rate limiting and backoff strategy
Passing Set in job data param results in empty object
Repeatable job (after) not working.
Best way to persist data when redid is restarted/crashed
UnrecoverableError in sandboxed processors
Rate limit w/ groupKey is not respecting groupKey limit
Job.getDependencies very bad performance
RepeatOptions - is 'endDate' and 'tz' supported?
Add "log" event to Queue and Worker
Jobs randomly failing with error messages, but worker never gets called
Support for ioredis v5
Cannot get children jobs of flow when using FlowProducer with rate limiting
`moveToCompleted` always error ` Missing lock for job <T>.finished` ?
Repeat Jobs not Rescheduling
Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers
Removing completed jobs based on age not working as expected
Provide ESM
Job stuck in queue with timestamp NaN
Huskey install error
Queue and Worker opts processing logic
Type 'Redis' is not assignable to type 'ConnectionOptions'
Getting complete duration in metrics
BullMQ Pro Job `timeout` usage
How many times is a job retried based on the attempts we declare when adding a job in queue?
repeatable jobs not starting
Update function not available when using sandboxed processor
Events Documentation
Error: Must use import to load ES module
No exported member "QueueScheduler"
Access job data or name in QueueEvents
Config Get maxmemory policy not possible on elasticache
'recommeded to use a minimum Redis version of 6.2.0', orly?
Ability to ignore max-memory policy
What is the design purpose of job name?
Maximum jobs per user
Jest Detects Open Handles when using a Queue
Error when using with Redis Cluster
Event on parent job queue when child failed
updateProgress doesn't work with REPEATABLE jobs
Job is not retried when concurrency > 1 + repeatable job is scheduled
rate-limiting by groupKey - new implementation?
BullMQ causes segmentation fault on NodeJS 18.12.0
FlowProducer and when to use them?
QueueScheduler doesn't queue delayed jobs after restarting the scheduler
TypeError: The "original" argument must be of type Function
Sandboxed workers... starting infinitely?
Sandboxed processors fails in NodeJS ECMA module
Scheduler required for bullmq-pro?
How to verify if a job was added to the queue?
`worker.concurrency === undefined`
Improve waitUntilFinished timeout
Multiple Jobs not working on pm2
Does removeOnComplete with a number of jobs to keep only remove the oldest Jobs ?
Rate limiter with `max: 1` having unexpected results
Possible memory leak?
[Bug]: Connect BullMQ to AWS Redis MemoryDB
[Bug]: v5.10.0 introducing "ReplyError: CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot"
[Bug]: Expiry time not getting applied to flow job
[Bug]: Flow, job.getChildrenValues returns an empty object
Š 2019 BoostIO, Inc.