USD raised
Recent activities
SpotBugsPlugin should not depend on AbstractCodeQualityPlugin because it's internal API
Wrong classpath set
Support xml and html reports at once
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"
How to apply spotbugs for multi module application
provide default locations for include/exclude filters
Do not open debug port on debug logging
Docs do not mention custom source sets
Report summary in build log
SLF4j warnings when running with gradle 5.3
"No classes configured for SpotBugs analysis" error for some projects in Multi-Project build
Adding SpotBugs causes JavaCC to fail
GC overhead limit exceeded
Breaking change required: reduce dependency on Gradle internal API
HTML report doesn't generates when gradle-lombok plugins is also applied
Support Eclipse preference file
Spotbugs fails to execute
-printConfiguration and -version are simply ignored
Rank matcher does not work with the plugin
Spotbugs with Gradle 5.5.1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory in Gradle 5.1,5.6.2,etc.
Spotbugs XML report does not have instanceHash value when run using Gradle plugin
Task creation avoidance
Spotbugs 2.0 breaks if Guava is on the plugin classpath
Gradle 6 deprecation warnings
Gradle 6 deprecation warnings in 2.0.1
print to console
Prevent "spotbugs" from aborting the build on stylistic issues
SpotBugsReports#getHtml() should return proper type
RFC: Reimplementing this Gradle Plugin from Scratch
Could not create task when multiple tasks are created in the same module
feature request: Ignore failures on specific sourcesets
Usage of workers is killing parallel builds
Custom Quality Check Gradle Plugin
SpotBugsSpecBuilder Exception
Gradle Module points to build.jar
Plugin not signed
4.0.0 no longer included in "check"
Provide Gradle Kotlin-DSL examples
Multi-project builds with spotbugs plugins produce verbose console output
report is not generated when apply SpotBugs plugin
4.0.2 spotbugs-gradle-plugin does not work with freefair lombok plugin
XML report should be enabled by default
Plugin id changed
Console output does not show output file names anymore
Plugin cannot be resolved
Xsl error
Html report shows wrong version
Cannot refer to `spotbugs.toolVersion` from dependencies block on v4 plugin versions
toolVersion prints incorrectly
Could not find method excludeFilter()
Running Spotbugs on multiple projects
Failed to apply plugin 4.0.5
Unable to use custom spotbugs plugin
Enable/disable detectors in detector plugin via DSL?
Could not generate HTML output in 4.0.5
Classes from main source set are missing when running analysis for test source set.
Spotbugs 4.0.5 UnsupportedOperationException: This feature requires ASM8_EXPERIMENTAL
Documentation uses wrong package name
Argument list too long issue
Support Android project???
dom4j dependency has critical CVE (security)
Enable HTML report (and specify stylesheet) for main/test/integrationTest/... only once
Enable build cache support
Spotbugs report path should be provided in output when process fails
Gradle: Failed to apply plugin [id 'com.github.spotbugs']
Gradle 5.4.1 compatibility
Temporary files for the classpath are never cleaned up
Support for URL in the filter rules file just like maven FindBugs plugin
ReportsDir is always null
Race condition in createFileForAuxClasspath()
Configurable suppression of stack trace
functional tests failing on windows 7
Reintroduce SpotBugsTask#classpath property for backwards-compatibility
SpotBugsTask#auxClassPaths may not be annotated correctly
Create a custom SpotBugsTask
spotbugs 4.0.2 contains dependency with known vulnerability
Include file url to html report in output message
report location is URL
4.4.2 Throws NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class edu.umd.cs.findbugs.StackMapAnalyzer
sourceSets property cannot be used with spotbugs 4.x.x
Bring back support for excludeFilterConfig and includeFilterConfig options
NoSuchMethodError when running with Gradle 6.5
bls:spotBugs failures missing classes
Missing License Information in Plugin
Create baseline to detect diff
Excessive log errors
Verification failed: SpotBugs execution thrown exception
Upgrading spotbugs soon?
spotbugsMain task in Gradle throws ExceptionInInitializerError
The following classes needed for analysis
Spotbug 4.1.1 issue with dom4j2.1.3
Failed at Android project: Cannot choose between the following variants of project
can't access SpotBugsTask in kotlin-dsl
MissingPropertyException when setting effort of SpotBugsExtension
Which version still works with Gradle 2.11?
Doc: useAuxclasspathFile
plugin didn't generate reports for all subprojects
unable to save with xml report with desired file name
Incorrect keepAliveMode used for Gradle worker daemon
Stop depending on the JCenter
SpotBugs task depends on jar file implicitly
4.6.0 can be used with Java 1.8+, 4.6.1 requires Java 11
Support Gradle's config cache
Can't use the plugin anymore due to JCenter shutdown
gradle plugin as contribution
spotbugs tasks aren't included in tasks
`toolVersion` ignored when trying to check SpotBugs with another SpotBugs version No files to analyze could be opened
Gradle 7 deprecation warnings
'release' input causes build caching to be ineffective
Drop support for Gradle v5.6 ~ 6.9
Get a project version and name in lazy way
🔊 Version 5 is in beta!
Plugin uses deprecated Gradle API
releases 4.7.6 to 4.7.9 are missing from
Field of SpotBugsReport should be `Property<T>`
Deprecate SpotBugsReport.isEnabled() and SpotBugsReport.setEnabled()
Remove SpotBugsReport.enable and SpotBugsReport.destination
XML report wasn't generated
Replace deprecated ConfigureUtil and ClosureBackedAction
How to specify that all SpotBugs reports should have XML and HTML enabled?
Can't generate HTML reports after upgrade to 4.8.0
Regression: tasks are not cached in build cache (v5.0.0)
configuration cache usage of project unsupported
Configuration Cache: invocation of Task.project at execution time is unsupported.
onlyAnalyze does not consider subpackages
Report file not cleaned between runs
how to use baseline.xml? for example?
why i can not use xml or html closure in verions 4.7.10 spotbugs
help! help! help ! spotbugs 4.7.10 version only create one report html or xml. how to create both reports HTML and XML at same time
SLF4J version seems to be different
CVE-2022-42920 detected
Gradle 7 deprecation warning
change language of report.html
How to fetch SpotBugs Report in JSON format?
Please sign the published Gradle plugin
Deprecation warning wrt Gradle 9
Toolchainsupport (default and / or documentation)
Task does not fail if report generation fails
Spotbugs plugin dependencies are specified as plugins and cause `NullPointerException`
`SpotBugsTask` is not configuration cache safe if a stylesheet is set as `String` for the HTML report
RFC: breaking changes for the coming major release version 6
Drop support for Gradle 7.0
Remove deprecated API
Build with Java 17, and publish Java 11 class file format
How to use reportLevel 'high' but pick specific bugs from other categories
6.0.0-beta.3 - cannot set `reportLevel` property
new false positive alert since version '5.2.0'
silence spotbugs warnings
SpotBugs using wrong Java SDK in Android Studio
plugin should add a space character when displaying failed report files
External stylesheet not used when defined in external gradle file
Plugin does not run on JDK8
Reports not created for cached task
Groovy valueOf(String) for effort and reportLevel not working
Reports not being created
Configuration Cache compatibilities
Gradle 8.8 Deprecation - Configuration.files()
We do not need to release for project-used dependencies.
NoSuchMethodError due to wrong commons-lang3 version when using plugin
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