SpotBugs plugin for SonarQube
USD raised
Recent activities
Availability from maven central and Sonar marketplace
Need access to support organization for spotbugs on sonarqube
Attempts to update project failing
Sonar scanner raises IllegalArgumentExceptions for 20 findbug detectors on one class
Can not execute Findbugs
ERROR: isAlive was interrupted when applying all findbugs rules into my existing sonarway copy profile to scan a monolithic project
Encountering several errors related to the FindBugs plugin while running a build on Bamboo.
Findbugs is reporting false positive bugs SA_LOCAL_SELF_COMPARISON when using instanceof pattern matching
Findbugs timeout issue
Dependency Dashboard
OWASP Top 10 not listed
Shade plugin dependencies instead of bundling jar files
FindSecBugs rules are not located in proper Security Category in SonarQube
Findbugs hangs for a long time without producing logs and then exits with EmptyStackException error
Missing Classes for findbugs analysis: makeConcatWithConstants, toPredicate and get
Getting error while running sonar scanner with Spotbugs rules for monolithic project ?
missing makeConcatWithConstants
SonarQube (6.7) analysis gets hung (stuck) in FindBugs sensor step
sonar findbugs plugin 3.11.1 failing for Scala projects with SonarQube 7.9.1
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