

Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code



USD raised

Recent activities

notwoods was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/strip-debug# 20
over 3 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ strip-debug# 20
over 3 years ago
elyager submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ strip-debug# 20
over 5 years ago
issuehuntfest funded 80.00 for sindresorhus/strip-debug# 20
over 5 years ago


Convert to Babel plugin

Rewarded#20created bysindresorhus
2 pull requests

Recent activities

notwoods was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/strip-debug# 20
over 3 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ strip-debug# 20
over 3 years ago
elyager submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ strip-debug# 20
over 5 years ago
issuehuntfest funded 80.00 for sindresorhus/strip-debug# 20
over 5 years ago