Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
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Recent activities
pinentry-ncurses in async process mangles inputs for the rest of the session
git info eventually stops being updated
Proposal: configure Pure colors via prompt init
Very inefficient git fetch, pulls all tags and all branches
When using zplug, `prompt` prints usage, does not include pure
git stash
Mercurial support?
Non-npm install could be simplified
Can I display the full path when a process is running?
VI mode eats previous prompt
Long prompt path when using macOS Catalina
Pure's git features stop working if /usr/local/bin is in my PATH
How to disable/remove git information
Branch name not updating after some usage
Display git user name
Turn off command execution time?
Volta compatibility?
Broken on zsh 5.2 again
How do I use light color variants with zstyle?
.zshrc prompt pure doesn't work
Manual install steps don't work
Git info can't update while using bindkey to change directory.
Remove empty line
Use Pure from a oh-my-zsh them file for my dotfiles.
Can I activate Pure theme from a shell script?
Shrink the path in the prompt
enable pure theme in zim framework will produce two conda base env name on prompt
Pre-prompt line written twice, causing problems for shell integration
Font Issue "Arrow not working!"
Prompt doesn't appear anymore
What terminal them is used on the screenshot at the top of the readme? How do I setup pmy terminal colors to be the same? Including background. thanks
How do I uninstall Pure?
[Feature Request] Show node version for JS-specific folders
Automatic fetch does not update all branches
Bug: Git stash shows during git action
How can i remove the extra new line?
git branch name gets out of sync
Hostname visible when using locally on wsl.
Minimalistic pure
pure redirects stderr to null
Disable tab title and git options
81dd496eb380aa051494f93fd99322ec796ec4c2 breaks stderr after exiting subshell
Where is virtualenv added to prompt?
Cannot install pure-prompt with npm install!
how to change position user@host, path and prompt:continuation
`Prompt Pure` Fails in macOS Catalina
Hello, I want the configuration information of this picture, can I provide it
How do I disable VI mode?
Tab completion artifacts in container
Feature/Question: Show directory instead of full path
Adding Git Short Hash to Prompt
Symlinking prompt fails when installed via npm
Error message on every command: _zsh_autosuggest_highlight_reset:3: maximum nested function level reached; increase FUNCNEST?
passwords can be leaked to accessibility apps via setting window titles
Pressing 'o' in vim-mode causes prompt to clobber previous line
Way to ignore some git repository
Why does Pure not look the same as in the readme screenshot?
Dirty submodules ignored if PURE_GIT_UNTRACKED_DIRTY=1
Set different path as window title in `preexec`
Cannot add pure to prompt themes, connected to MB M1?
Simple question hopefully with simple answer
command not found: prompt when I use pure single-line-prompt with zinit.
How does vi mode work?
How can I do to remove extra white line between two command lines when I set single-line prompts.
Add option to disable pure completely
Best way to use Pure with multiple computers?
confusion in installation
Pure takes 100% of a single core
How to turn on auto-reverse prompt arrow on changing vi-modes?
which font is it in the example screenshot?
When can I expect a release?
Is bold text supported?
Do not throw uncatched exceptions (i.e., handle all non-zero return codes)
brew specific installation instructions
async_worker_eval not found And bad set of key/value pairs in prompt_pure_async_callback
User and Hostname values
Installation on Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS fails
Creates extra zsh session for each real zsh session.
Disable path
Option to disable first new line
How to use Right Prepromt for kube context?
Installing Pure in nix home manager
Pure runs a useless zsh subprocess with each command
How is `%12v` expanded to the virtual env name?
How to activate python's venv indicator?
How do I always display the local user name
Git information no longer shown in prompt
Warp terminal incompatibility
znap pull fails after update to macOS Ventura
Is it still supported or already deprecated?
New blue chevron/triangle symbol after updating OhMyZsh
`/bin/sh: 1: npm: not found` when installing using Yarn
How to uninstall and prevent this warning?
How to hide the triangle for the blank line ?
Feature request: add a setting to always show user@hostn
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