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Feature Request: Recents/History of GIFs made #314
jbf302 posted onGitHub
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Love the product. I use it all the time.
Feature Request
- I often am creating ad-hoc clips and copying+pasting them into a document/slides. I don't often save them directly to my local machine (I recognize I just wrote out a solution to my problem :))
- It would be great if I had access to a list of recently created GIFs in Gifski (5/10/25), that I could then pull back up, copy again for use, or re-save it for later use if I need.
Keep up the great work, this product rocks.
User Story: As a user, I want to be able to see a list of recent GIFs I've created even if I did not save them to my local machine at the time of storage, so that I can recall and reuse (copy or save) those gifs again.
Gifski 2.22.3 (71) - com.sindresorhus.Gifski macOS 13.5.0 MacBookPro18,1 arm64