Simple and modern async event emitter
USD raised
Recent activities
Add convenience method to bind Emittery methods to own instance
Support Symbol as `eventName`
Built-in debug info
Support multiple events in `on()`
await emitter.emit() for async and sync listeners
Async iterator support
Question: Why async event emitter is better for prod
Typescript error: Index signature is missing in type ...
Support listening for listener changes
Enhance `emit` return logic
Suggestion: support numeric event names
`.emit()` should not receive the returned value from `.on()`
TS Error when using .events() with multiple event names parameter
TypeScript return type for listeners is void
TS: `listenerAdded` and `listenerRemoved` not valid values for Emittery.Typed
catching errors requires await even when calling synchronous functions
Why is Emittery.Typed a separate class?
TS: Constrained generics
Release notes for 0.8.0 are slightly wrong
Breaking change in 0.8.1
Increased popularity
TypeScript: 0.8.1 breaks re-exported `on`
`Emittery.mixin` type is no longer valid for classes with args in their constructor
Writing async code using Emittery. How do I tell my while loop to stop?
v0.9.0 throws a reference error on browser bundles
Typescript error while trying to listen to multiple events
Arbitrary listener return type (Typescript)
Fix type compatibility with `p-event`
`export = Emittery` might not be correct?
Enabling debug can cause circular reference error
Regresssion in PR#96
No way to unsubscribe from `once`
Possible memory-leak in bindMethods
ReferenceError: exports is not defined in ES module scope
`globalThis.process` references DOM elements with a `#process` ID and crashes app
[Question] Is it safe to override `emit`?
`yarn test` fails
Pure ems bundle prevents emittery usage in libraries/frameworks
Wrong listener count for Symbol event names
Question: Does this works across tabs?
return listeners' results in emit()
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