

Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc



USD raised

Recent activities

richienb submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
about 3 years ago
richienb withdrew the output  to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
about 3 years ago
richienb submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
over 3 years ago
husek was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/electron-store# 80
almost 5 years ago
sbencoding submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
about 5 years ago




Unfunded#208created byhmmhmmhm

Migration throws

Unfunded#168created byiamisti

Use expiration

Unfunded#125created bywaghcwb

Recent activities

richienb submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
about 3 years ago
richienb withdrew the output  to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
about 3 years ago
richienb submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
over 3 years ago
husek was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/electron-store# 80
almost 5 years ago
sbencoding submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ electron-store# 18
about 5 years ago