
Integer as caller depth argument? #4

dy posted onGitHub

Hi @sindresorhus!

Awesome package, I am using it in save-file and in upcoming audio release.

Unfortunately it turns out that oftentimes we need not the caller path, but caller's caller path. For example, I expect path to be the invocator's path, not the saveAs path:


const saveAs = require('save-file')

//so I expect the file to be placed into `test` directory
//but caller-path inside `saveAs` returns `saveAs` path `.../node_modules/save-file/index.js`
saveAs(buf, 'my-record.wav')

What I do now is use callsites directly here:

var callerPath = callsites()[1].getFileName()

What I'd suggest is passing an id of the caller for that purpose:

var cpath = callerPath(1)

That would not break the current behaviour and at the same time would allow to specify caller. If you need a PR I can come up with one.

Thank you for your time, sincerely,

Sure, good idea. Pull request welcome. I think it should be callerPath({depth: 1}) for clarity.

posted by sindresorhus almost 8 years ago

Oh, I tried to resolve that, but turns out I don't really understand the logic of caller-callsite. If I do in test.js

let callsite = require('caller-callsite');

function x() {
    return callsite();
function y() {
    return x();

y().getFunctionName() //we get 'x'

But if I place fixture4.js:

let callsite = require('caller-callsite');

function x() {
    return callsite();
function y() {
    return x();

and then run test.js:

let f4 = require('./fixture4')

f4().getFunctionName() //we get null

I am afraid I am lost, so

PS. Also with slow wi-fi ava took like 15 minutes to install :cry:

posted by dy almost 8 years ago

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