

Simplifies BitBar app plugin creation



USD raised

Recent activities

sasikanth513 was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sindresorhus withdrew the output  of swarnicapankaj to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sasikanth513 submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sasikanth513 withdrew the output  to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sasikanth513 submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago



Recent activities

sasikanth513 was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sindresorhus withdrew the output  of swarnicapankaj to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sasikanth513 submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sasikanth513 withdrew the output  to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago
sasikanth513 submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ bitbar# 11
over 5 years ago