

Create Alfred workflows with ease



USD raised

Recent activities

stdavis submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ alfy# 43
11 months ago
samverschueren was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/alfy# 36
over 3 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ alfy# 36
over 3 years ago
jopemachine was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/alfy# 54
about 4 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ alfy# 54
about 4 years ago


Configuring workflows

Rewarded#36created bySamVerschueren
1 pull request

Allow top-level await

Rewarded#59created bysindresorhus
1 pull request

Support the `rerun` parameter

Rewarded#54created bysindresorhus
1 pull request

Support Alfred 4

Unfunded#110created byvivaxy

Alfred 5

Unfunded#169created byAvivbens

Recent activities

stdavis submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ alfy# 43
11 months ago
samverschueren was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/alfy# 36
over 3 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ alfy# 36
over 3 years ago
jopemachine was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/alfy# 54
about 4 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ alfy# 54
about 4 years ago