

Add "Launch at Login" functionality to your macOS app in seconds



USD raised

Recent activities

sergeykuryanov was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 4 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 4 years ago
sweetleon submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 7
over 4 years ago
mediter withdrew the output  to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 5 years ago
mediter submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 5 years ago


Support Swift Package Manager

Rewarded#4created bysindresorhus
2 pull requests

Recent activities

sergeykuryanov was rewarded by sindresorhus for sindresorhus/LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 4 years ago
sindresorhus submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 4 years ago
sweetleon submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 7
over 4 years ago
mediter withdrew the output  to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 5 years ago
mediter submitted an output to  sindresorhus/ LaunchAtLogin# 4
about 5 years ago