
Improve stored representation #47

sindresorhus posted onGitHub

For example, currently, a Codable that is serialized to a String is stored as "foo" because we serialize it as JSON. It would be nice to make it just foo (without the double-quotes).

The following values could be improved when serialized from a Codable:

  • String (for example string enum): "foo" => foo
  • Arrays are currently stored as a serialized string in a String plist type. We should really use a native plist Array type.
  • Dictionaries with string keys should also be stored as a native Dictionary plist type.

This is a breaking change, so it would have to be an opt-in and we could make it the default in the next major version (with still a way to opt-out so existing projects can upgrade).

This is not an easy issue. You are expected to have advanced knowledge of Swift and Codable.

I stored some key with 3.1.1 after upgrade to 4.x these key changed from without quote version to with quote version, which is quite buggy for me.

posted by aalenliang over 4 years ago

@aalenliang Could you share the raw UserDefaults value before and after v4?

I have not seen this problem myself.

posted by sindresorhus over 4 years ago

Here is my related code, simplified version:

extension Defaults.Keys {
    static let deviceId = Key<String?>("SettingsModule.deviceId", default: nil)

public static var deviceId: String = {
    let id = Defaults[.deviceId]  // <--- set break point here.
        ?? UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString 
        ?? UUID().uuidString

    if Defaults[.deviceId] == nil {
        Defaults[.deviceId] = id

    return id

in Debug using simulator, iPhone 11 Pro Max (13.6)

using Defaults 3.1.1:

(lldb) po Defaults[.deviceId]
â–¿ Optional<String>
  - some : "7B88D8F4-F82C-4413-BE53-D3E26A2F41BC"

(lldb) po UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "SettingsModule.deviceId")
â–¿ Optional<String>
  - some : "\"7B88D8F4-F82C-4413-BE53-D3E26A2F41BC\""

using Defaults 4.0.0:

(lldb) po Defaults[.deviceId]
â–¿ Optional<String>
  - some : "\"7B88D8F4-F82C-4413-BE53-D3E26A2F41BC\"" // <--- extra quote mark here.

(lldb) po UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "SettingsModule.deviceId")
â–¿ Optional<String>
  - some : "\"7B88D8F4-F82C-4413-BE53-D3E26A2F41BC\""
posted by aalenliang over 4 years ago

@aalenliang I assume you had it as Key<String?>("SettingsModule.deviceId", default: nil) even in v3.1.1? Because that syntax was not supported then. It should have been OptionalKey<String>("SettingsModule.deviceId"). Since you passed an optional when it was not supported in v3.1.1, it was treated as a non-native value and got quoted even though it shouldn't have. You'll need to do a simple migration yourself. This is not something Defaults can handle.

posted by sindresorhus over 4 years ago

Yes, I use Key<Sting?> since I start using this framework, which is about a year ago. Since the compiler allows me to do this, I always doing this.

Ok, I think my issue is irrelevant with this issue, I'll upgrade to the latest version and handle the migration myself.


posted by aalenliang over 4 years ago

@sindresorhus has funded $113.00 to this issue.

posted by issuehunt-app[bot] over 4 years ago

@sindresorhus has rewarded $101.70 to @hank121314. See it on IssueHunt

  • :moneybag: Total deposit: $113.00
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posted by issuehunt-app[bot] almost 4 years ago

Fixed by #57

posted by sindresorhus almost 4 years ago

How do I get the improved representations to work? My enum-based strings are still being saved as <string>"value"</string>.

posted by tonyarnold over 3 years ago

Ah, belay that - it's working. I needed to kill a process on my end that was interfering with the updated definition. I had been using Codable, but I can see that's unnecessary for simple string-based enums now. Thanks!

posted by tonyarnold over 3 years ago

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