SweetAlert2 for Laravel 5.x by Rashid Ali
USD raised
Recent activities
sweetalert.all.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null
Support for Laravel 6
too big in mobile version
Not working with Laravel 6
Not Displayed proper alert message in the master file
Sweet Alert 2 is not working with Laravel 6
upgrade to laravel 6.4
Call to undefined method RealRashid\SweetAlert\Toaster::add()
Sweetalert2 update to V9
Confirm before deletion
Session errors (alert.config) returning only one error i.e. the last error
Animation doesn't appear after Update to v.3
Way to include SweetAlert JS on every page?
QUESTION: calling SweetAlert using JS in Laravel
Icons not displaying in v3.0.1
Middleware : all error messages displayed by default
@include('sweetalert::alert') not working in Master View
Toast Alert return with Empty Dropdown
Use with ajax
Nginx gateway error when adding helpers
showConfirmButton is not working with me
multiple toast alerts?
There are no commands defined in the "sweetalert" namespace.
Add support for Laravel 7
Add link to README
How i can set custom classes to any element in the modal??
Message in blank
Show Success Message using javascript/jquery
Toast message does not expire while clicking on other pages.
how to change font size and font name
Session issue
How To Use toast.addEventListener With Helper?
Alert.config array empty after passing alert via a redirect.
Sweet Alert 2 is not working with Laravel 7
SweetAlert2 mixin
Alert or toast doesn't show up
Don't autoclose Middleware alerts
Return Redirect on Middleware not showing Error type
Sweetalert not loading into view
with('error') not working
Always or Never load sweet alert js package | Support for npm/utilizing the js package/livewire
Text or HTML (custom config) in Middleware Alerts
"errors" using middleware overwrites laravel $errors variable
How to usilise the swal() function in the latest version?
how to change the font size?
In the GitHub Issue Section enable feature Request
Please add the Middle Option in the positioning of toast
Error When updating laravel 7 to 8
Identical alarm is automatically triggered on an other page
Can't install on Laravel 8
How to handle validator error in blade
Not work on redirect back.
Sweetalert doesn't load on blade file.
php 8 update issue
Required parameter $imageUrl follows optional parameter $title
Sweetalert working well in my local pc. but it has a problem when im running my project in another pc.
Animations are not being trigged
Alert not working on pages with livewire components in Laravel
Help!!! Laravel 8 Error - Required parameter $imageUrl follows optional parameter $title
Class 'RealRashid\SweetAlert\SweetAlertServiceProvider' not found
Is it possible to running this package in Livewire component?
Toast alert unnecessary Nothing seletected text
Documentation website not working
Theme Support
Sweetalert major version released with a minor package tag
How can I override a method in Toaster class
show just one error when use the toast
confirm dialog
Can't be used in laravel 5.8 ?
Add timerProgressBar to config
Show blank box in message
how to hide confirm button
how can i call alert with ajax
How can I set font size ?
Enable support for Laravel 9
Alert::image function modification
handle different config above default .env
Uncaught ReferenceError: Swal is not defined at HTMLSpanElement.copy.onclick
Alert::warning oversized
Uncaught ReferenceError: swal is not defined detele function not working
issues in Laravel v9.14.1 sweet-alert
VS Code - intelephense(1009) error
Not working with Laravel Livewire :(
SweetAlert not working
Select Box contain automatically
Uncaught ReferenceError: Swal is not defined
can't install the package in Laravel 10
Blocked by CSP
Font color
min.js and all.js versions not compatible.
Unable to add background config on sweetalert config
Theme dark is broken
How to use alert in livewire component?
confirmDelete feature has unexpected behavior
Separate btw "confirmDelete"'s confirm button and the "alert"'s confirm button
confirmDelete issue
Ação do botão de confirmação
Toast auto close not working
Always load JS not working
Dark Mode
Laravel 11 support
text in toast or alerts not working
Uncaught TypeError: document.body is null
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