Toolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React
USD raised
Recent activities
Integrate with issuehunt
Popovers get blurry when zooming out with browser
Request: Whitelabeled warning messages from reakit-utils/warning
Inconsistent behavior of tooltip on disabled buttons
Form onValidation shouldn't throw
Upgrade to Typescript 3.7?
PopoverArrow size prop doesn't work
Warning: React does not recognize the `textOnly` prop on a DOM element
Disabled Button is not clickable after being enabled
MenuItemCheckbox and MenuItemRadio don't get checked
'forceFocus' is not exported from 'reakit-utils/tabbable'
Checkbox value <> aria-checked sync issue
Support iframes
MenuItemRadio component throws warning message on conditional render
Can HiddenDisclosure be based on anything other than a button?
Elaboration of plans for Reakit-integrated animations, if any?
Interacting with a toolbar item triggers updates for all the other items
Checkbox doesn't get checked if it is passed onChange prop
Expand usability of primitives in styled-components/emotion
Tippy tooltip (powered by popper.js) teleports to top left of TabList element when changing visible tabs
Form method `reset()` not working, Add FormResetButton
Dependency error on rollup build
Dialogs close on a click that starts in the dialog, but ends outside
Popover: gutter - Accept string value
Emulate v0's Popover slide="left"
Portal has null context
Popover - support popper.js `inner` modifier
Some components don't render the passed id prop
Feature Request: Tooltip enter delay property
Expose a FocusTrap component
Radio buttons can't be resized in some browsers
Hidden: Add unstable_hiddenClassName prop
Parent dialog closes with nested dialog when parent has been opened and closed once
Exit animation spying on wrong transitionEnd event
Ref on child of Portal has no height or width the first render
isFocusTrap errors in Firefox
HideOnEsc closes dialog even when input is focused
SVG Tools
Tooltip following pointer
Getting weird clipping on Backdrop when used with Docz
Form: File fields are object-ified on submit
Menu position broken when using a custom MenuDisclosure component
Support for right to left languages
Out of beta roadmap
Broken for IE11
Rename stopId
Feature Request - Adding more components
Feature Request: Allow to move focus across items of a grid
Migrating from v0 to v1
Website improvements
Mobile usability
Role "row" for Grid
Feature Request - Keyboard support for Step element
Accessiblity issue: Portal Popover breaks keyboard navigation
Select Implementation
Content don`t scroll inside Dialog component.
<DialogDisclosure as="div"> triggers additional event on focused Dialog element
unstable_animated and measuring DOM nodes
Give an opportunity conditionally rendering popover component
Allow consumer to set (more) popper modifiers
Unable to use boolean values for Radio inputs
FormMessage dont show in onSubmit event
Dialog closes unexpectedly on Firefox when using hideOnClickOutside
Checkbox on Firefox when using keyboard checks and unchecks immediately
Should [data] attributes be prefixed with "reakit-"?
Passing undefined to Dialog's tabIndex removed the tabIndex on the element
Build scripts don't work on windows
Form fields are only considered touched when they were blurred (at least) once
Button `:active` styles not applied in Firefox
Dialog "enter" animation doesn't work since new animate API
browser support?
Typescript helpers/documentation to extend components and maintain "as" types.
Potential React warning triggered by useToolbarState
Dialog's click trap blocks Google Maps SDK autocomplete dropdown.
Tab component not passing through `disabled` prop
introduce Error class for throwing in form onValidate
Feature request: A "password" field with option to hide and show password input
Introduce Input primitive as base for FormInput
useEventListenerOutside and focus loss
Menu positioning breaks with custom button element
Radio state with Safari and Firefox
htmlWrapElement before portal wrap
Animated disclosures warning if stopAnimation never called
[Radio] Tab moves focus to body instead of next tabbable item in the dom
Automatically invert tooltip's position if there is not enough space
React 17 support
[Separator] Return role and aria-orientation when the element is not `hr`
[Button] As 'a' with disabled prop focuses on `tab`
Conflicting peer dependency, project not installable with npm v7
Input inside Composite receives blur/focus on CompositeItem click
Menu performance (delay when initially rendering many Menu's)
Migrate to GitHub discussions beta from Spectrum?
Can Emotion's css tool be used in conjunction with string classNames in Reakit?
props to attach functions to events
[RFC] Select Component
[RFC] Link Component
Show typescript autocompletion for `role` prop in components
RFC: Replace state spreading by single state prop
Infinite Toolbar/Composite rendering loop on Firefox
Click on menu,Screen scrolled upwards automatically
Modal dialog shifts content, but fixed parts stay in place
Add ability to customize popperjs options in usePopover
Icon svg button
Treeview component
Purgecss removing classes with data-enter
RFC: Group stories by components
Peer deps: Add React 17
Default Tab not working with SSR
Radio button onChange handler fires twice
The `state` prop is passed down to custom `as` components
Can't pass option props together with the `state` prop
Layout shift when opening/closing Dialog
Combobox popover position is wrong when Combobox container is fixed/relative + minValueLength + input click
Add TypeScript documentation
Page scrolls to bottom upon clicking a menu with `modal: true`
useFormState values trips over nested null values
Composite automatic sort doesn't work on fixed containers
Accordion component
Menu abstracting with sub menus throws an error
When Button is disabled, it sets style="pointer-events: none;"
Firefox: Links inside a Dialog can't be tabbed to
Tooltip initial position in concurrent mode
Clickable does not handle Space onClick if rendered as anchor
Specify DOM node for Portal?
Checkbox should support boolean `value` prop, and not only `checked`
update docs to indicate styled-components has 'forwardedAs' and we dont need to use render props
Slate JS (editor) inside a Reakit portal throws "Unable to find DocumentOrShadowRoot"
Register MenuGroup
Fails typescript build with `skipLibCheck: false` as of typescript 4.4.2
Tabs Component re-rendering unnecessarily
Duplicate setState calls on keyboard changes to Radio
Pronunciation of reas
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