Typesafe Action Creators for Redux / Flux Architectures (in TypeScript)
USD raised
Recent activities
v5.0.0 - Rewrite and simplify `createAction` API
High memory consumption
Add ability to create async actions with support for meta property
Extend createAsyncAction API to be able to carry over request information to success and failure handlers
Add createReducer - a typesafe reducer factory using object map (including getType() support)
Improve AsyncActionCreator type signature to handle optional cancel property correctly
Export type for return value of AsyncActionBuilder
Extend createAction API to include additional action properties
HELP US TO GET FUNDS - upvote on IssueHunt platform
Add spectrum community
5.0.0-3 losing action type
Is catchError(pipe(fetchTodosAsync.failure, of)) from the doc a legit syntax?
createStandardAction / createAsyncAction with optional payload not working after upgrade from v3 to v4
The library becomes unusable with a large number of action creators.
Simple Epic (listen to action and mapTo action) fails
bindActionCreators doesn't work with PayloadAction and typed dispatch
CRA hangs on typecheck when importing createReducer from another file for combineReducers
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Missing dependency "tslib"
Why can't insertion enum type to createStandardAction
"Can't find variable: t" error on react native production build
IE falls over on default parameters
property payload does not exist on action generated by action-enhancer
Argument type (payload: string) => PayloadAction<"NAME", type> is not assignable to parameter type ((...args: any[]) => Exclude<Action, THandledAction>)[] | ((...args: any[]) => Exclude<Action, THandledAction>)
Digged into the code, and tried to find the "magic" behind string variable to string literal code
react-redux hooks
Fix redux-saga example in the docs
Add Migration Guide from v4.x.x to v5.x.x
Migrate codesandbox project with the `v5.1.0` release
v5.1.0-0 Error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module `./action` from `node_modules/typesafe-actions/dist/typesafe-actions.umd.production.js`
ActionType is always never
typesafe-actions@5.1.0-1: Cannot find module './deprecated'.
5.x release changelogs are not documented in the Releases list
createAction's 4th type is supposed to be an array - is it really required?
v5.1 has more breaking changes than are documented in the release
v5.1.0 Reducer state type declaration reporting unknown when use ReturnType<typeof myCombinedReducer>
Query: Is there a way to access the AsyncAction interface for use as type of a function parameter?
Getting TS2345 Error when I have got variables in type names
Object map style can not use getType to get type to be used as map key
createAsyncAction incorrect ReturnType for an array with 2 elements whose types are known
Can this tool be used with a (non-TS) React app
Expose InitialHandler type
ActionType is returning `never`
syntax error occurred while using "createAsyncAction"
Type error when using two async actions on one reducer
I'm receiving a type error when using two async actions on one reducer
isActionOf - Argument contains array with invalid element at index 0
What is the future of the project?
Infer action and return type from action creator
Wrong Documentation
Error: 'createAction' is not exported by typesafe-actions.umd.production.js
handleAction allows return object with properties not pesent in the state type
The result type of createReducer is any instead of Reducer
Error After upgrade from Angular 13 to 14 (A type annotation is necessary)
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