🎶A personal music streaming server that works.
USD raised
Recent activities
Ability to upload album covers and artist images
A dedicated Search page
Support Spotify Web API
Sync Library in Background from UI
Playback error when trying to log in
Windows 10 Laragon Koel - Unable to scan music directory.
pngquant-bin need upgrade to v5.0.2
S3 improvements
Activating visualizer and restarting the song results in significant volume increase
cant stream lossless
Inotify script alternative for CIFS network shares?
Sub menu view on mobile devices buggy
Playlist delete event fired (handled?) twice
Funny track sort order
Feature request: Show albums by artist
Subsonic API
last played + "not in the last x days" doesn't populate for songs with zero plays
Performance with ~50k+ Albums / 650000 songs?
Request malformed for aws-s3
Audio no execute after page reload
question about nginx 502 error
The AlbumArtist tag should not be ignored
Chromecast Backend - Working Proposal
Queue screen: Sorting indicator still shown after shuffling
Play() Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 - S3
Album ID problem when special characters in name
Duplicate entry, integrity constraint violation
Google Assistant Control
Installation manual Koel 3.7.2 with PostgreSQL and Apache Reverse Proxy with SSL / HTTPS
[Feature Request] Add possibility to
FR: Playlist Clearing
FR: Random Albums
Use at least the year of release to identify homonymous albums.
Support for translations
Integrate with Dropbox and Google Drive
Postgres error while syncing: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8"
Have a list of genres
Caching multiple audio files
Flac Transcoding with non ASCII Titles
'Illegal mix of collations' when scanning a path
API documentation
Presence of albumArtist in tags does not always mean compilation
Convert and Store FLAC files for Playback
Feature request: save custom equalizer preset support
implement ampache XML api
Add a progress bar during the import of songs
© 2019 BoostIO, Inc.