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Begin writing tests across docz #418

matchai posted onGitHub

Howdy docz maintainers!

I love the project and the experience of creating documentation with docz! πŸ˜„ Unfortunately, I have a tough time trusting that new releases will be reliable. I don't risk upgrading docz on my projects due to the risk involved with having no tests/CI on this project. The more this project grows, the more time and effort it would take for tests to give us confidence that new docz releases are working as intended. πŸ˜₯

I was hoping to start a conversation where we could plan the future of testing on docz. πŸ™Œ

My proposed first steps would be to start adding testing and coverage tooling to the project, and to find the first 20% of coverage that would instill 80% of testing confidence. Such examples would be some simple snapshot tests:

  • Testing the fresh installation flow
    • Would help us avoid issues like #416 and #425
  • Component importing
    • External custom components
    • Built-in components
  • Integration tests for built-in components

I'd love to help kickstart this initiative. Thoughts?

This is one of those that would be ideal to put in a PR to start the process. After all, it is free to use so if this is a feature that is blocking you from using it... Get the process rolling and there is likely to be someone that would come along and help fill in the gaps!

As I re-read your issue it sounds like this was your plan! I know I have had great luck getting in touch with Pedro to respond on twitter so this could be a great way to just touch base and confirm that if you submit a PR he'd be open to adding testing into the mix! I know I'd love to see them added and would help out where possible :)

posted by Jared-Dev over 6 years ago

@boostio funded this issue with $20. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

@issuehuntfest has funded $40.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

posted by IssueHuntBot over 6 years ago

Count me in. :+1:

posted by colshacol over 6 years ago

@rororofff has funded $2.00 to this issue.

posted by IssueHuntBot almost 6 years ago

I'd love to join in on this, but currently I can't even get dev to pass it's current tests. (WRT failing tests) Why is this project setup with yarn workspaces. I thought workspaces were for lerna projects which are private and unpublished.

The main test that is failing is here . Where remark-docz can not be found. Sure enough none of the dependencies for rehype-docz are being installed, nor hoisted.

There is a serious need for tests across the board as well as lerna love.

This project is super awesome, but I would like to get some reasoning so I or others can figure out where to go.

posted by nmccready almost 6 years ago

I can help you with adding some cypress tests :)

posted by dmtrKovalenko over 5 years ago

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rororofff funded 2.00 for pedronauck/docz# 418
almost 6 years ago
issuehuntfest funded 40.00 for pedronauck/docz# 418
over 6 years ago