A better way to view differences between complex data structures in RSpec.
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Recent activities
I'm no longer maintaining this project, and I am archiving this repo
Consider a `Module` to be displayed similar to a `Class`, as a "primitive"
Undefined method keys
Output for `contain_exactly`/`match_array` is worse than stock RSpec
Output for data class expectations is worse than stock RSpec
rspec 3.13: breaking changes to ExpectedsForMultipleDiffs
What should happen when you use an `anything` fuzzy matcher inside a Hash on your specs?
Use difftastic internally?
Add literate documentation
Less color output + no diff when using super_diff
wrong number of arguments
Support for diffing message expectations?
Premature calculation of `actual` description when generating matcher description
super_diff removes most rspec color output when run with parallel_tests
How to Enable the Diff Based on a Tag
Take a look at Concordance
If a trailing newline is missing from actual vs. expected, it is not shown in the diff
Make it easier to run all tests across all appraisals locally
CI takes a very long time to run
Don't show diff if comparing with an empty collection
Add a disclaimer about `include`, `contain_exactly`, and `match_array`
Make a video walkthrough of the internals (with perhaps a better diagram)
Add documentation for `attributes_for_super_diff`
Update elision logic to show number of lines omitted
Hide color escape chars in non-TTY
A failing spec with expect(value).to eq 1.0 raises JSON::ParserError
RSpec hanging when matching on http response
Unexpected error : unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash
Align keys/values in objects?
Diff of Range objects is less useful than default RSpec output
raise_error matcher truncates application backtrace
Using without RSpec?
Dependency limitations
Exception when using custom rspec matcher
Significant performance degradation in super_diff 0.8
Using have_attributes with nil as the actual value blows up
Regression in hash diffing logic
Support for 'change X from A to B'
Add support for Webmock
Bright versions of colours output incorrectly
Comparing an arrayΒ (as actual value) using have_attributes produces wrong diff
When using match_array, output can possibly include only unchanged lines
There are duplicate keys in diff when comparing a large hash
contain_exactly + a_hash_including may produce non-useful output
raise_error + an exception object produces wrong failure message
`raise_error` + a block produces wrong failure message
A comparison between an a_string_matching object and an equivalent string in a diff doesn't look equivalent
Using eq to compare two virtually identical objects produces non-useful output
Performance issues
When comparing arrays with nil values, NilClass is showing up in diff
Consider splitting initial failure line if the value gets too large
Add Cucumber support
Improve build time for JRuby
Extract CSI
Extract CommandRunner
Use rubyfmt (when it is functional again)
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