

Records Spotify to mp3 without ads while it plays and includes media tags to the recorded files



USD raised

Recent activities

bziorkiewicz funded $ 25.00 for jwallet/spy-spotify# 359
almost 3 years ago
jwallet was rewarded for jwallet/spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago
jwallet funded $ 1.00 for jwallet/spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago
jwallet submitted an output to  jwallet/ spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago
jwallet withdrew the output  to  jwallet/ spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago


Record adds

Rewarded#282created byAlainClaes
1 pull request

Installation package / update

Rewarded#343created bykyds3k
2 pull requests

Update Website

Unfunded#111created byjwallet

Cannot Beerpay

Unfunded#119created byjumph4x

Next coding time

Unfunded#105created byjwallet

Dark mode?

Unfunded#90created byPak9999


Unfunded#212created byVladimirPittner


Unfunded#195created byjwallet

remove hosts edit

Unfunded#47created byjwallet


Unfunded#245created byJardaH69

Two proposals

Unfunded#302created byrokonio


Unfunded#2created byjwallet

README issues

Unfunded#352created bysupsm

README issues

Unfunded#352created bysupsm

Split Mode

Unfunded#423created byDonJema

Unmute on stop

Unfunded#441created bylollita

Recent activities

bziorkiewicz funded $ 25.00 for jwallet/spy-spotify# 359
almost 3 years ago
jwallet was rewarded for jwallet/spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago
jwallet funded $ 1.00 for jwallet/spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago
jwallet submitted an output to  jwallet/ spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago
jwallet withdrew the output  to  jwallet/ spy-spotify# 343
over 3 years ago